Agenda for the GCSU University Senate (US) Scheduled Meeting 

Monday, October 29, 2007

A&S Room 2-72  12:30  pm

Parliamentary Procedure Summary (also known as a Robert's Rules "Cheat Sheat") distributed at the 08-27-07 University Senate Meeting (posted 08-26-07)

University Senate Taglines 2007-2008

 E=MC2  Enhancing the Mission; Catalyst for Communication

 Making Connections, Moving Forward Together


Quick Links for the University Senate

  1. Call to order: Craig Turner
  2. Approval of Minutes September 24, 2007
  3. President's Report - President Leland 
  4. Committee Reports
  5. Unfinished Business
  6. New Business
  7. Adjournment

* Supporting Documents and motion details available at the Online Motion Database

* Attendance Reports and Committee Rosters available at the Online Senator Database.

Upcoming on the University Senate Calendar

      Fri, Nov 2 Meetings of Standing Committees (12:30-1:45)

      Sun, Nov 11 Deadline for submission by committees of motions for consideration at the Nov 26 University Senate Meeting

      Mon, Nov 26 University Senate Meeting (12:30-1:45, Arts & Sciences 2-72)

      Fri, Nov 30 Meetings of Standing Committees (12:30-1:45)