ANNUAL REPORTS (Final Versions - Word Format) 2006-2007
University Senate Informational Updates for 2006-2007
Supporting Documents for the Preparation of Annual Reports (added 03-11-07)
Academic Year: 2006-2007
Committee Charge (boilerplate from bylaws)
Committee Membership and Record of Attendance (also available as an Excel File)
Motions brought to the Senate floor (near the top of the page under "Retrieve a list of motions by Committee")
The TEMPLATE and DUE DATE for the
2006-2007 Annual Reports are listed below and were
endorsed by Standing
Committee Chairs and Executive Committee at a joint meeting on Tuesday February
20, 2007
TEMPLATE (posted 02-20-07): MS_Word format html format
DUE DATE (posted 02-20-07): Send your completed report to no later than noon on May 1, 2007