Statutes Revisions
(2004-2005 academic year)
Citations of Institutional Statutes in BOR Policy at the time of this revision
For Context: Statutes and Bylaws Team Report to the University Senate on 11-29-04
Revised Statutes DRAFT 09-Feb-05 (HTML pdf MS Word) <FINAL DRAFT>
On 02-28-05, the University Senate recommended the 09-Feb-05 DRAFT to the University Faculty for action at their 03-23-05 meeting.
Revised Statutes DRAFT (to be considered at 03-23-05 University Faculty Meeting) (HTML pdf MS Word)
Email from President Leland to the Faculty announcing Statutes Revisions are available for review
On 03-23-05, the University Faculty recommended the 09-Feb-05 DRAFT to President Leland.
President Leland approved these modifications and recommended this DRAFT to the Board of Regents for approval.
On 06-08-05, the Board of Regents approved these modifications.
Statutes in place during the 2004-2005 academic year (HTML pdf MS Word)
In Summer 2005, work was continued on the Statutes Residue (the language culled from the statutes during the 2004-2005 academic year) and two documents were produced that summarize this work, both presented to University President Dorothy Leland at the July 13, 2005 ECUS meeting for her review.
An SOA (Standing Operating Agreements) document that indicates those items culled from the Statutes that the Summer 2005 workgroup recommended to the University President for preservation in the appropriate university document to be determined by President Leland.