To:                  University Faculty

From:              Executive Committee of the University Senate

Date:               March 3, 2005

Re:                  University Statutes


A draft of proposed statutes revisions entitled "Institutional Statutes, February 9, 2005 DRAFT" is attached for your review and a vote on this proposal will be called for at the March 23, 2005 University Faculty meeting.  At its February 28, 2005 meeting, the University Senate endorsed the following motion:

The existing Statutes require the following amendment process.



Section 1.  Proposals for amending or modifying these Statutes must be approved by the University Faculty.  Approval requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the faculty at a meeting at which a quorum is present.  Proposals must be submitted in writing to the secretary of the University Faculty, who shall circulate them to the faculty at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the meeting that the proposal will be on the agenda.

Section 2.  The University President shall have fifteen (15) calendar days to decide whether to accept or veto any amendment or modification to these Statutes.  If the President vetoes the amendment or modification, he/she shall provide a written statement of the reason(s) for the veto. The University Faculty shall have the right to (a) accept the veto; (b) confer with the President to construct a compromise action; or (c) reject the veto with the request that the President reconsider. University Faculty decisions regarding these options must be made by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the faculty present at a meeting at which a quorum is present.  If the University Faculty or University President refuses to recede, and if agreement cannot be reached, the matter shall be referred to the Board of Regents for review pursuant to the pertinent policies of the Board of Regents.

Section 3.  These Statutes and amendments or modifications thereto become effective only after approval by the Board of Regents.


How were the proposed modifications to the University Statutes drafted?

On August 25, 2004, President Leland, in consultation with the Executive Committee of the University Senate, charged the Statutes and Bylaws Team to review the current University Statutes and propose changes.

The Statutes and Bylaws Team asked three questions about each statute:

·         Does this Statute capture a "policy" or "fact" that we expect not to change with great frequency?

·         Is this Statute more appropriate as a university policy or inclusion in the bylaws or a handbook of the organization/group to which it applies?

·         Should this Statute require BOR approval to change?

The Bylaws and Statutes Team held two open forums inviting the University Community to provide suggestions and recommendations.  These forums were held on December 8, 2004 and January 12, 2005.

As a result of its deliberations incorporating the feedback from the open forums, the Bylaws and Statutes Team produced two documents.  One of these documents is the February 9, 2005 DRAFT of the Institutional Statutes, while the other is an internal committee document and is a list of all statutes removed during the revision process.

The Bylaw and Statutes Team's next priority is to review this list and make recommendations on where to place these removed statutes to ensure that nothing is lost should the proposed statutes revisions replace our existing statutes.


Institutional Statutes

February 9, 2005 DRAFT
Recommended to the University Faculty by the University Senate on 02-28-05

Proposed by the Statutes and Bylaws Team
 Dr. J.W. Good, Chair
 Dr. Ken Farr
 Dr. Lee Gillis
 Dr. Harry Glover
 Dr. Anne Gormly
 Mr. Quintus Sibley
 Dr. Craig Turner

·          The Board [BOR] approved the request of President Rosemary DePaolo that Georgia College & State University (“GCSU”) be authorized to establish revised institutional statutes, effective February 5, 2003

·          The Board [BOR] approved the request of President Dorothy Leland that Georgia College & State University ("GCSU") be authorized to revise its institutional statutes, effective June 9, 2004. [link to revisions]


Georgia College & State University is one of the institutions comprising the University System of Georgia. It is subject to the general jurisdiction of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and shall exercise all authority conferred upon it by the Board of Regents.

The term "Board of Regents" as used in these Statutes shall mean the Board of Regents and its executive officer, the Chancellor. The term “Institution” as used in these Statutes shall mean Georgia College & State University.









Section 1. These Statutes are subordinate to the Bylaws and Policies of the Board of Regents and amendments thereto hereafter adopted.

Section 2. The confidentiality and security of faculty, staff, and student files (including electronic files) in offices throughout the campus shall be preserved and protected at all times, insofar as it is consistent with state and federal law. Information of a personal and private nature about faculty, staff, and students shall not be divulged by any office of the Institution, except upon legal grounds or for official purposes or at the request of and with the consent of the faculty, staff, or student member concerned.

Section 3. The Policies and regulations of the Board of Regents will govern the eligibility of persons for employment or retention of the faculty, administration, and staff.

Section 4.  Recognized subdivisions, councils, or committees of the Institution may create bylaws and other rules of order, consistent with the Policies of the Board of Regents and with these Statutes, to facilitate orderly and efficient governance.


Section 1. The executive officers of the Institution shall be the President and the Vice Presidents who directly report to the President.

Section 2.  In addition to the authority and responsibilities authorized by the Board of Regents, the President shall have the following specific powers and responsibilities with respect to the internal governance of the Institution:

A.  The President shall be responsible for effective channels of communication in the management and operation of the Institution.

B.   The President shall have the power to appoint committees for consultation and advice.

C.  The President shall have the right to veto any action of the University Senate as specified in Article IV Section 4 of these Statutes.

D.     The President shall settle all questions of conflict of jurisdiction or interpretation that may arise under these Statutes and any bylaws or other rules of order at the Institution.


Section 1. All appointments, reappointments, promotions, and the award of tenure to faculty are recommended by the President and subject to the approval of the Board of Regents. The criteria for promotion and tenure, including pre- and post tenure, shall be clearly stated and emphasize excellence in teaching.

Section 2. In addition to the current promotion regulations as adopted by the Board of Regents, these Statutes further stipulate the following:

A.     Criteria for promotion to all professorial ranks shall include the following:

1.      At a minimum promotion shall be based on:

a.       Superior teaching.

b.      Outstanding service to the Institution.

c.       Academic achievement.

d.      Professional growth and development.

2.      Noteworthy achievement in all four of the above need not be demanded, but should be expected in at least two, one of which shall be superior teaching.

B.   For each academic unit, the criteria and procedures by which a promotion decision is made and any requirements for promotion shall be clearly and completely stated in writing and made available to all faculty within the unit.  Any academic unit of the Institution may develop standards, requirements and procedures for promotion to supplement those specified in Board of Regents Policy and these Statutes.  Any such supplementary materials apply only to faculty within the unit and must be approved by the faculty of that unit before they can be applied.

Section 3. In addition to the current tenure regulations as adopted by the Board of Regents, these Statutes further stipulate the following:

A.     The length of service at the Institution as specified in the policies of the Board of Regents shall be taken into consideration in determining whether a faculty member is eligible for tenure consideration.

B.     Criteria for tenure shall include the following:

1.   At a minimum, tenure shall be based on:

a.   Superior teaching.

b.      Outstanding service to the institution.

c.       Academic achievement.

d.      Professional growth and development.

2.      Noteworthy achievement in all four of the above need not be demanded, but should be expected in at least two, one of which shall be superior teaching.

C.  For each academic unit, the criteria and procedures by which a tenure decision is made and any requirements for tenure shall be clearly and completely stated in writing and made available to all faculty within the unit.  Any academic unit of the Institution may develop standards, requirements and procedures for tenure to supplement those specified in Board of Regents Policy and these Statutes.  Any such supplementary materials apply only to faculty within the unit and must be approved by the faculty of that unit before they can be applied.


Section 1. The University Senate is endowed with all the legislative powers and authority of the University Faculty and shall be the policy-making assembly at the Institution.

Section 2. The University Senate shall have the responsibility for establishing committees, including any committees required to remain in compliance with policies of the Board of Regents, federal or state law, and accreditation or certification organizations that are needed for orderly and efficient governance.

Section 3. The University Senate shall not adopt any regulations affecting curricula, or the internal affairs of an academic unit except insofar as such action may be necessary to protect the interests of the Institution as a whole, but it may make recommendations to the faculty of an academic unit concerning matters within their jurisdiction.

Section 4. The University President shall have fifteen (15) calendar days to decide whether to accept or veto an action taken by the University Senate.  Should the President veto the action(s), the President shall provide the University Senate a written statement of the reason(s) for the veto. The University Senate shall have the right to (a) accept the veto; (b) confer with the President to construct a compromise action; or (c) reject the veto requesting that the President reconsider.  The decision of which action to take must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting membership of the University Senate.  If the University Senate or University President refuses to recede, and if agreement cannot be reached, the matter shall be referred to the Board of Regents through the Chancellor for review pursuant to the pertinent policies of the Board of Regents.


Section 1. Any proposed modification to these Statutes must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee of the University Senate for consideration by the University Senate.  The Executive Committee shall make a report to the University Senate regarding the proposed modification(s).  A motion shall be made regarding the disposition and tabled until the next University Senate meeting.  Adoption of a modification requires a two thirds (2/3) majority approval of the voting membership of the University Senate.  As is the case for any action of the University Senate, the modification also requires the approval of the University President as specified in Article IV Section 4 of these Statutes.

Section 2. The President shall interpret these Statutes and any Bylaws, when necessary, and shall exercise expressed and implied powers to implement them.