Agenda for the GCSU University Senate (US) Scheduled Meeting
Monday, November 30, 2009
A&S Room 2-72 12:30 pm
Motion Text: To adopt the USG
Board of Regents Grievance Policy as the GCSU Grievance Policy.
NOTE: The current GCSU Grievance Procedures will need to be
revised in order to comply with the Board of Regents Policy.
Motion Text: To approve the proposed Campus Smoking Policy as outlined in the supporting document.
Motion Text: To recommend that the current language of section (titled Faculty Awards) of the GCSU Academic Affairs Handbook be replaced with the language in the supporting document entitled "FacultyAwards_FAPC_11-06-09".
Motion Text: In order to achieve
most efficient use of classroom space there will be a Common Meeting
Time (CMT) that will:
1. Maintain the same number of meeting hours each week (three) as
the current CMT.
2. Fall between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
3. Be contiguous to a weekend to increase energy efficiency.
4. Achieve the equivalent of 93.3% (i.e. 14 out of 15 sections)
usage in the 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. period for any given classroom.
* Supporting Documents and motion details available at the Online Motion Database
Upcoming on the University Senate Calendar
Fri, Dec 4 12:30-1:45 Meetings of Standing Committees
Sun, Jan 10 Deadline for submission by committees of motions for consideration at the Jan 25 University Senate Meeting
Fri, Jan 15 12:30-1:45 Meetings of Standing Committees
Fri, Jan 22 12:30-1:45 Joint Meeting of Executive Committee and Standing Committee Chairs
Mon, Jan 25 12:30-1:45 University Senate Meeting
2009 Governance Retreat (including summary information such as evaluation comments, notes that "decked the walls", etc.)
Parliamentary Procedure Cheat Sheet
Quick Links for the University Senate