Student Affairs Policy Committee (SAPC) Report
given at the November 26, 2007 University Senate meeting
submitted by Jennifer Hammack


The SAPC has a few things on their agenda for discussion on the November 30, 2007 Meeting.  The issues we have dealt with thus far this semester will be examined and our committee will decide which of those issues we will reexamine next semester.  Next semester we hope to hear reports from or discuss former issues with: Kyle Cullars (concerning meal plan proposals), Alice Loper concerning health center “excuses”, and from representatives from the School of Education (concerning Early College).


Alice Loper, Director of Health Services and member of the SAPC, reported to the Senate as a whole some information concerning health center “excuses.”  She informed the Senate that students receive two pieces of documentation from the Health Center in the event of a visit: a confirmation of visitation which basically states simply that the student did in fact come to the Health Center and a diagnosis form which states why the student received medical care.  The latter, of course, is a matter of privacy for students and does not have to be shared with faculty in the event of an absence (although students may elect to show these to faculty).  The other form merely verifies that the student came to the Health Center for treatment.  It does not mean that the student was in fact ill.  Alice Loper wanted to point this out to faculty so that we would realize that the slips students bring to us may not be an indicator that the student was in fact ill during the time in question.  This issue is a concern for us as a committee and will be addressed at the November 30 SAPC Meeting to determine a further course of action.


Ryan Greene, our Student Government Association (SGA) President, gave his report concerning the status of the SGA as of November 26, 2007.