Agenda for the GCSU University Senate (US) Scheduled Meeting
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
A&S Room 2-72 12:30 pm
Governance Retreat 2006 Teaser
Relevant Bylaws
University Senate Bylaws, Article V, Section 1.A.
1. The election of the four Senators to the Executive Committee shall proceed as follows. At the spring organizational meeting of the incoming University Senate, the outgoing Committee on Nominations shall nominate four elected Senators from the incoming University Senate. The presiding officer shall then call for other nominations from the floor. Should there be more than four (4) nominees, the incoming University Senate will vote, with members casting votes for up to four (4) nominees. The four (4) Senators receiving the most votes will constitute the elected members of the Executive Committee. There will be an additional vote in the case of a tie.
2. Should the chair of the outgoing Executive Committee not be reelected to the Executive Committee, (s)he shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the incoming Executive Committee to assist with continuity for the following academic year.
University Senate Bylaws, Article III, Section 2. Each spring, after the membership of the incoming University Senate has been determined, the outgoing Committee on Nominations shall propose a list of candidates and an election process to fill the vacancies on standing committees for the following academic year. At its organizational meeting in the spring, the incoming University Senate shall elect the committee members. After the nominations of the Committee on Nominations have been placed on the ballot, additional nominations may be made from the floor. The majority of members serving on standing committees must be senators. The incoming committee members shall begin their term of service when the faculty convenes for the fall semester.
University Senate Bylaws Article VI. Changes to these Bylaws Any proposed changes to these bylaws must be submitted to the Executive Committee and must have the written support of at least five (5) University Senators. The Executive Committee shall make a report and recommendation to the University Senate regarding the proposed change. A motion shall be made regarding the disposition and tabled until the next meeting. A change shall be adopted with a majority of those eligible to vote favoring adoption and upon approval of the University President.