ECUS Meeting

Tuesday January 23, 2007

4:00 – 5:00 President’s Conference Room

Tentative Agenda


Regrets:  Vice President Gormly

Ongoing Reminders to Standing Committee Chairs Handout Distributed



1.   Call to order


2.   Information Items (All joint items with Standing Committee Chairs)

a.   President’s Update (President Leland)

b.   Committee Reports to the University Senate – share perspectives on the reports to this point and ask what is working and what is not working?

c.   ECUS Checklist Update

d.   Contextual Information from Dr. Roy Moore:  Each of the following proposals have undergone a trio of reviews:  a legal review by university counsel, Quintus Sibley, a content review by an ad hoc research compliance (with state and federal guidelines) committee that I chaired, and a content review by Vice President Gormly.

                                 i.            Conflict of Interest Policy  (Steered to USC by ECUS on 01-16-07)

                               ii.            Policy and Procedures on Scholarly Misconduct  (Steered to AGC by ECUS on 01-16-07)

Note:  There are links to these documents in the electronic agenda and on page 4 of this agenda.

 (University Senate Bylaws Committee Memberships and Scopes (Jan 2007)  word file)


3.   Action Items  (All joint items with Standing Committee Chairs)

a.   Revise SCC/ECUS joint calendar for Feb/Mar 2007 (See pages 2-3 of this agenda for the details)

b.   Discuss University Senate Agenda (Jan 27, 2006 meeting)

·        Unfinished Business (consider need to provide Nov 2006 reports orally)

·        Clarify parliamentary details of tabled motion

o       When can it be removed from the table (within AGC report? anytime?)

o       A motion to "take from the table" requires a second, is not amendable, is not debatable, and requires only a majority vote.

c.   Agenda Coordination for February 2, 2007 Committee Meetings

Note: Motions due Sun Feb 11 for Feb 26 US Meeting;  Next Joint SCC/ECUS Meeting (Date TBD in 3a)


d.   Proposed Revisions to University Senate Bylaws (questions and sharing information)

4.   Steering Function Items (No items identified at this time)


5.   DRAFT Tentative Agenda for Next ECUS Meeting (Tues Jan 30,  1:00-3:00)


Senate Calendar Items:

Tue Jan 23 Joint SCC/ECUS Meeting for Agenda Coordination for February 2, 2007 Committee Meetings

Mon Jan 29 US Meeting

Fri, Feb 2 Standing Committee Meetings of AGC, BPC, SAC, and USC

Sun Feb 11 Motions Due to ECUS (entered in the online motion database)

Tue Feb 13 (or TBD) Joint SCC/ECUS Meeting for Agenda Coordination for February 23, 2007 Committee Meetings

Sun Feb 18 US Meeting Agenda to Senators

Fri, Feb 23 Standing Committee Meetings of AGC, BPC, SAC, and USC

Mon Feb 26 US Meeting

6.   Adjourn





At 3:40 p.m., prior to the call to order of the full committee meeting, the elected members of ECUS will discuss the following item.



Elected Faculty (Kendra, Tanya, Karynne, Craig) Workshop Agenda  President’s Conference Room
(This workshop is open to all members of the committee that wish to participate)

1.      Review at-large faculty senator election procedure and timeline


Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2006 09:20:08 -0400
From: Craig Turner <>
Subject: FYI: Current Calendar for SCC/ECUS (Feb/Mar 2007 dates may require shift)

The proposed dates for Feb and Mar 2007 joint meetings of SCC and ECUS coincide with BOR meeting dates.  This may present a conflict for President Leland.  We may want to consider rescheduling these meetings.  DETAILS are given below.

I have updated our meeting schedule (Shifted Nov 28 meeting to Dec 5)

The current calendar for joint meeting of Standing Committee Chairs and Executive Committee
is shown below.  As the proposed dates for Feb and Mar 2007 coincide with dates of BOR meetings
(BOR meetings Feb 13-14 (2007)  and Mar 13-14 (2007)) which
may present a conflict for President Leland, we may want to consider the following:

Shift the meeting proposed for Tu, Feb 13, 2007 from 4-5  
TO  ONE of Tu, Feb 6 from 4-5  OR Tu, Feb 20 from 4-5
        <This February joint meeting is for the Fri, Feb 23 committee meetings>

Shift the meeting proposed for Tu, Mar 13, 2007 from 4-5
TO ONE of Tu, Mar 6 from 4-5  OR Tu, Mar 20 from 4-5
        <This March joint meeting  is for the Fri, Mar 23 and Apr 4 committee meetings>

Natural questions:
Is three days before a committee meeting too "late" to coordinate agenda and still give chairs an opportunity to get the agenda out to the committees?
Is seventeen days before a committee meeting too "early" to coordinate agenda --- specifically, would we know likely agenda items for these committee meetings that early?

Obviously we have plenty of time to make a decision about how/whether to shift these meetings.  Perhaps we address this issue at our October 24 meeting.  Just thought I would bring this to the attention of the group and note that we may find it desirable to adjust our current proposed calendar.

Tu, Aug 22 1p-2p  (agenda coordination for Fr Sep 1, 2006 committee meetings)      <BOR Aug 8, 9>
Tu, Sep 19 1p-2p  (agenda coordination for Fr Oct 6, 2006 committee meetings)      <BOR Sep 12, 13>
Tu, Oct 24  1p-2p  (agenda coordination for Fr Nov 3, 2006 committee meetings)     <BOR Oct 10,11>

Tu, Dec 5   1p-2p  (agenda coordination for Fr Jan 12, 2007 committee meetings)    <BOR no Dec meeting shown>
Tu, Jan 23 4p - 5p (agenda coordination for Fr Feb 2, 2007 committee meetings)     <BOR, Jan 9,10>
Tu, Feb 13 4p - 5p (agenda coordination for Fr Feb 23, 2007 committee meetings)   <BOR, Feb 13,14>
Tu, Mar 13 4p - 5p (agenda coordination for Fr Mar 23, & We Apr 4 committee meetings) <BOR Mar 13, 14>
     <Point of Information, Fri Mar 23 is the Friday before Spring Break Mar 26-30>




Day and Date




Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Joint with Standing Committee Chairs 1:00-2:00


Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Last day of Exams Fall 2006


Tuesday, December 19, 2006


<Christmas Holiday>


Tuesday, December 26, 2006


<Christmas Holiday>


Tuesday, January 02, 2007


<Christmas Holiday>


Tuesday, January 09, 2007


<Classes begin Mon Jan 8>


Tuesday, January 16, 2007




Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Joint with Standing Committee Chairs 4:00-5:00


Tuesday, January 30, 2007




Tuesday, February 06, 2007




Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Joint with Standing Committee Chairs 4:00-5:00


Tuesday, February 20, 2007




Tuesday, February 27, 2007




Tuesday, March 06, 2007




Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Joint with Standing Committee Chairs 4:00-5:00


Tuesday, March 20, 2007




Tuesday, March 27, 2007


<Spring Break Mo Mar 26 - Fri Mar 30>


Tuesday, April 03, 2007




Tuesday, April 10, 2007




Tuesday, April 17, 2007




Tuesday, April 24, 2007




Tuesday, May 01, 2007


<First Day of Exams Spring 2006>




Received by Executive Committee (ECUS)  on 01-05-07

Steered to University Services Committee by ECUS on 01-16-07

Formally shared with USC Chair at 01-23-07 ECUS/SCC meeting

DRAFT 01-04-07

Drafted by Compliance Committee, an ad hoc committee appointed by VP Gormly to make recommendations regarding actions for compliance with federal and state guidelines

Committee Chair: Dr. Roy Moore Members: Lilia Biktyakova, Donna Douglas, Dave Groseclose, Julia Guthrie, Quintus Sibley, Linda Watson Kaufman


Full-time faculty and staff of Georgia College & State University (hereinafter referred to as the "University") understand that their primary contractual responsibility is to the University. To ensure the integrity and objectivity of research and other scholarly activities, full-time and part-time faculty and staff (hereinafter referred to as "employees") must not let outside interests interfere with or compromise their obligations to the University. This policy is intended to increase the awareness of employees to the potential for conflicts of interest, and to establish procedures whereby such conflicts may be avoided or properly managed. This is intended to be a disclosure and review of policy to provide support to employees while protecting the interests of the University. This policy requires approval for outside activities, as dictated by the Board of Regents and the University, and addresses issues of real or apparent conflict.

Applicable laws, rules, regulations, and policies that address conflicts of interest are outlined below.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Georgia College & State University
Policy and Procedures on
Scholarly Misconduct
__________, 2007
Received by Executive Committee (ECUS) on 01-05-07

Steered to Academic Governance Committee by ECUS on 01-16-07

Formally shared with AGC Chair at 01-23-07 ECUS/SCC meeting

DRAFT 12-08-06

Drafted by Compliance Committee, an ad hoc committee appointed by VP Gormly to make recommendations regarding actions for compliance with federal and state guidelines

Committee Chair: Dr. Roy Moore Members: Lilia Biktyakova, Donna Douglas, Dave Groseclose, Julia Guthrie, Quintus Sibley, Linda Watson Kaufman


Procedures and Applicability

This policy shall apply to all instructional faculty, research faculty, and other members of the University's community including without limitation graduate student research assistants, graduate student teaching assistants, graduate student staff, undergraduate students employees in research or other scholarly activities, post doctoral fellows and post doctoral research associates, visiting faculty or staff, faculty or staff on sabbatical leave, adjunct faculty performing University work, and faculty or staff on leave without pay. This policy applies to students only when acting in the course of their employment with the University.


Report of Possible Misconduct

Upon receipt of a complaint, the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs (AVPAA) shall inform the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) of the allegation. In the event that the person making the allegation considers the AVPAA to have a conflict of interest, the allegation may be reported directly to the VPAA. The AVPAA shall consult with the appropriate (including legal) advisors to determine if an inquiry is necessary. If the issue involved does not amount to misconduct, satisfactory resolution through means other than this policy should be sought and, to the extent possible, the identity of the informant(s) shall remain confidential.