From: Craig Turner []
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 6:29 PM
Subject: USGFC: Filing Institutional Representative, Bylaws Revisions, and Officers (oh my)

Three informational updates for you regarding the USGFC.

1. Filing Institutional Representative to the USGFC for 2011-2012: Elizabeth Combier and I have created a survey (using the survey gizmo tool) that is designed to make filing the insitutional representative to the USGFC for the 2011-2012 academic year quick and easy (we hope).  At your earliest convenience, please take a moment to file the information (name, institution, email, term of service, and selection process) using the survey -- please file even if continuing from the 2011-2012 academic year.  The survey is here:
2. Bylaws Revisions Update: The 25 Feb 2011 proposed revisions to the USGFC bylaws have been approved by the chancellor as documented below in the email update from Dr. Linda Noble.  The email that detailed the USGFC action on these bylaws revisions is copied below as well. The USGFC bylaws (as revised) are posted as the "Current Bylaws" at the USGFC website and I have added a "bylaws archive" page to archive the previous versions of the USGFC bylaws.
3. USGFC Officers:  Dr. Combier and I will comply with the following motion -- passed at the 25 Feb 2011 USGFC -- as soon as we can.  We feel that it is a priority to ensure that the usgfc email list is updated to include the 2011-2012 voting members before we call for nominations and implement an election for USGFC leadership.  We will keep you informed of our intentions and appreciate your patience. 
Motion USGFC.02-25-2011.006: The current co-chairs [Dr. Combier and Dr. Turner] ensure the implementation, as soon after the bylaws vote as is feasible, of an election [preceded by a call for nominations] for USGFC officers [Chair and Chair-Elect] to serve during the 2011-2012 academic year.
Thank you for your attention,
Elizabeth Combier, North Georgia College & State University
Craig Turner, Georgia College & State University
********************BEGIN  USGFC Bylaws Revisions Approved **************************
From: Linda Noble []
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 2:43 PM
To: Craig Turner;
Cc: David Morgan; Kimberly B. Washington; Felita Williams
Subject: Faculty Council Bylaws Update

Attachments: USGFCBylawRevisionsFeb2011_.pdf


Dear Craig & Elizabeth:

I am pleased to report that the revised USG Faculty Council Bylaws (Feb 2011) have been approved by Dr. David Morgan, Interim Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer. Dr. Morgan is the Chancellor’s designee for bylaws approval per BOR Policy


I will remain as the Council’s primary point of contact in our Office, so please have the institutions send the names of their representatives for this year and the selection process information to me at We will need to update the Council’s information on our website (


If you need anything else please let me know. I look forward to working with you both.




**************END USGFC  Bylaws Revisions Approved by the Chancellor's Designee************
******BEGIN USGFC Bylaws Revisions Approved by USGFC members ******************

Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 17:47:41 -0400
From: Craig Turner <>
Subject: USGFC: Voting Results Bylaws Revisions


The 25 Feb 2011 proposed revisions to the USGFC bylaws have met the threshold for approval by the USGFC.  The next step in the revision process is consideration by the Chancellor or his designee as indicated in paragraph two of BOR Policy [See below]

Details of the vote are available here:

Here are the results of the vote on the 25 Feb 2011 proposed revisions demonstrating that there was a majority approval from each tier.
Overall, there are 35 eligible to vote with 25 casting yes votes, 0 casting no votes, and 10 abstentions.  The tier voting results are:

4 eligible to vote:   
3 yes votes, 0 no votes, 1 abstention  
3 of 4 is 75%, a majority

Two year
8 eligible to vote:   
5 yes votes, 0 no votes, 3 abstentions 
5 of 8 is 62.5%, a majority

Four year
23 eligible to vote:
17 yes votes, 0 no votes, 6 abstentions 
17 of 23 is approximately 73.9%, a majority

BoR Policy
There shall be a University System of Georgia Faculty Council (USGFC), which shall provide a faculty voice on academic and educational matters and BOR policies related to the profession, including but not limited to tenure and promotion, academic freedom, and post-tenure review. The USGFC shall be mindful and respectful of matters that are more appropriately handled at the institutional level but may make recommendations that have University System level impact or implications.

Membership of the USGFC shall be comprised of one voting representative from each USG institution and that representative must be a member of that institution�s faculty and selected by a process determined by the faculty or faculty body of that institution. A copy of each institution�s process to determine its USGFC representative shall be filed with the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer of the University System of Georgia. The organization and governance of the USGFC shall be implemented according to policies and procedures established by the membership of the USGFC in the USGFC By-laws in consultation with and approved by the Chancellor or the Chancellor�s designee.

Nothing in this policy or the USGFC By-laws shall supersede the authority and responsibilities of institutional presidents addressed in Policy 2.5 (Presidential Authority and Responsibilities). With respect to matters specific to their institutions, presidents remain the official medium of communication between their institutional faculties and the Chancellor. (BoR Minutes, May 2010)

-Elizabeth Combier, North Georgia College & State University
-Craig Turner, Georgia College & State University

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