From: Chris Huff <>
To: "" <>
Sender: "" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 14:10:22 -0500
Subject: USGFC Statement: Centralization, Shared Services and ADP

I have made some minor changes to the draft statement that came out of our last meeting, a few editorials and spelling-out the names of entities.

Shall we vote via email to endorse the following statement or does it need more tweaking?


On November 13, 2009, the University System of Georgia Faculty Council (USGFC) discussed the many problems encountered across the state with
the recent Shared Services project implementations of the ADP payroll system and the earlier travel component in the PeopleSoft Expenses Module.  Recognizing that the University System of Georgia (USG) and Board of Regents (BOR) have the best of intentions in pursuing efficiencies through centralization of business functions, the USGFC would like to express its strong misgivings with the Shared Services project to date and would request that the BOR delay any further efforts at centralization until it is clear that these efforts will achieve the desired efficiencies and other goals of the BOR, and that there is sufficient time for planning, justification of potential benefits, adequate testing and implementation. To facilitate this process, the USGFC requests a response from the BOR on the following:

  1. The measures/metrics contracted between the USG and ADP by which the software implementation is measured and a status report on the
    fulfillment of those metrics, an analysis of which of the contract metrics have been completed and which have not.

  2. A thorough review of the impact the implementation has had upon USG employee work hours devoted to interacting with ADP -- staff and

  3. A listing of the major implementation problems and recommendations for addressing current problems and improving future implementations
    of this type.

  4. A review of the sources of implementation problems: the ADP vendor, USG teams (OIIT, Human Resources, other) or institution teams (IT,
    Human Resources, other).

  5. A cost/benefit analysis that takes into account the workload hours -- the view so far is that workload has been increased and further distributed, involving more hours from every employee in the system for data entry, training, re-training, policy/procedure interpretation, updating data, reviewing data, running parallel systems because the data in ADP has been in error, etc....

  6. Compare the cost effectiveness of the systems in use at the three USG institutions that opted out of the ADP implementation to the cost effectiveness of ADP at the other USG institutions. Include a thorough analysis of workload impacts upon all faculty and staff using these systems.


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