From: Craig Turner <>
To: "" <>
CC: Elizabeth Combier <>, Craig Turner
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 17:57:31 -0400
Subject: USGFC: Proposed Bylaws Revisions
Thread-Topic: USGFC: Proposed Bylaws Revisions
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Dr. Noble,

The 25 Feb 2011 proposed revisions to the University System of Georgia Faculty Council (USGFC) bylaws have met the threshold necessary to be approved by the USGFC tier voting process.  On behalf of the USGFC, the co-chairs of the USGFC (Dr. Elizabeth Combier and I) recommended these proposed revisions to the Chancellor for consideration by him or his designee to comply with paragraph two of BOR Policy [See below]. 

Let me know if you require additional information. 

Proposed Revisions:
USGFC Voting Details: _

BoR Policy
There shall be a University System of Georgia Faculty Council (USGFC), which shall provide a faculty voice on academic and educational matters and BOR policies related to the profession, including but not limited to tenure and promotion, academic freedom, and post-tenure review. The USGFC shall be mindful and respectful of matters that are more appropriately handled at the institutional level but may make recommendations that have University System level impact or implications.

Membership of the USGFC shall be comprised of one voting representative from each USG institution and that representative must be a member of that institution’s faculty and selected by a process determined by the faculty or faculty body of that institution. A copy of each institution’s process to determine its USGFC representative shall be filed with the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer of the University System of Georgia. The organization and governance of the USGFC shall be implemented according to policies and procedures established by the membership of the USGFC in the USGFC By-laws in consultation with and approved by the Chancellor or the Chancellor’s designee.

Nothing in this policy or the USGFC By-laws shall supersede the authority and responsibilities of institutional presidents addressed in Policy 2.5 (Presidential Authority and Responsibilities). With respect to matters specific to their institutions, presidents remain the official medium of communication between their institutional faculties and the Chancellor. (BoR Minutes, May 2010)


Craig Turner
Professor of Mathematics
Georgia College
Milledgeville, GA 31061