University Senate Bylaws and Governing Concepts Committee
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Kilpatrick 221    12:30 - 1:45

USB&GCC Members,
Our scheduled meeting for review of progress on US Bylaws revisions is Wednesday, October 11, in Kilpatrick 221 at 12:30 pm. Please bring a copy of the Shared Governance Table with you to the meeting.  Thank you.
Tentative Agenda
 Shared Governance Table available on the USBGCC site:
From the Executive Committee of the University Senate -- Definition of Policy

DRAFT:  A policy is a statement that governs the conduct of the University Community
or a general principle that guides University affairs.

DRAFTS from the Bylaws drafting committee
  1. Draft 1 of Committee Composition Structure (excel file)
  2. Draft 1 of Committee Scopes (word file)
  3. Revision of Membership

II.Section 1. Membership

 II.Section1.A. Composition, Eligibility, and Terms of Service 

II.Section1.A.1.  The University Senate shall consist of the President;  two (2) students appointed or elected by the Student Government Association in accordance with its Bylaws;  four (4) staff members appointed or elected by the GCSU Staff Council in accordance with its Bylaws;  six (6) additional faculty, staff, students, and/or administrative officers appointed by the President after consultation with the Executive Committee of the University Senate;  and thirty-six (36) elected faculty members. Elected faculty representation shall be set at a fixed number of thirty-six (36) members that shall always provide for a three-quarter majority of voting members in the University Senate. The six (6) appointed members from the faculty, staff, students, and/or administrative officers shall be appointed annually by the President.  The University Senate shall elect a Presiding Officer at the first regular meeting in each academic year, who shall serve until the election of his or her successor.