ECUS 2009-2010 Parking Lots [DRAFT]
Last updated:
Committee Parking Lot [SUBJECT TO REVIEW OF ECUS]
This parking lot is a holding area for ideas that might be revisited
at a future meeting of the Executive Committee. Listing these items in
this parking lot is an attempt to keep them on the radar and this list will be
periodically reviewed by the Executive Committee. The date in parentheses
indicates the most recent meeting date at which the item was discussed.
Further discussion among ECUS and Standing Committee
Chairs on a Standardized Review of Policy [09-30-09]
Talking points
may include but not be limited to: the possible creation of a process to
initiate policy review, observation that each standing committee has the
authority to proactively review existing policy within its scope, observation
that a on-line policy index is in development.
Discussion of standing vs. steering function of the Executive Committee and Access to the University Senate for business items. [10-07-09]
Discussion of the glossary of operational definitions [policy, procedure, concern, resolution, information item, etc] with an emphasis on the types of functions and actions of the University Senate such as policy/curricular, informational item, expressing a concern, recommendation, advisory function. [10-07-09]
Discussion on the advisory function of the
University Senate in the context of a review of university-wide committees
to determine whether or not such committees might be redundant or the charge
of such committees might be appropriately handled by the University Senate
or its committees. [10-07-09] This item was discussed at
the 12 Apr 2010 ECUS meeting and received disposition.
At the 04-21-2010 ECUS meeting, this was removed from the
parking lot.
Discussion of the broadening of the scope of the University Senate from policy making to include the academic responsibilities (curriculum, faculty welfare including rights, responsibilities, tenure, promotion, retention, recruitment, etc.) of faculty articulated in Section 3.2.4 of BoR policy and the AAUP Redbook. [11-04-09] DRAFT -this parking lot item was drafted by Craig Turner and is unofficial until endorsed by ECUS. This item was endorsed for inclusion on the parking lot by ECUS at its 04-21-2010 meeting.
Develop a process for documenting the second visit of a committed motion to the senate within the motion database. [11-16-09] DRAFT - this parking lot item was drafted by Craig Turner and is unofficial until endorsed by ECUS. This item was endorsed for inclusion on the parking lot by ECUS at its 04-21-2010 meeting.
adopting a practice to invite incoming University Senators to attend a
University Senate meeting prior to the start of their terms of service.
[11-16-09] DRAFT - this parking
lot item was drafted by Craig Turner and is unofficial until endorsed by
ECUS. At its 04-21-2010 meeting, ECUS members
recommended this item be removed from this parking lot and placed as a
recommendation to the 2010-2011 ECUS in the 2009-2010 annual report.
Bylaws Parking Lot [Content Matters]
The items on this list are issues that have been identified to be
considered for proposed bylaws revisions. Prior to making the
determination of whether or not to propose a revision to the bylaws, these items
are subject to further discussion at one or more future meetings of the
Executive Committee. Such conversations might be informed by consultation
with other members of the university community such as members of the University
Senate and/or University Senate committees.
II.Section4.A. (content)
Presiding Officer Elect - Review eligibility criteria to ensure it is
articulated in a desirable way.
Question: Should a candidate for this position be required to have at least two
more years in their three year term of service?
Broader Question: Is it desirable to decouple US Officers from committee slate
and select US Officers PRIOR to considering committee slate?
If so, how might it be implemented? At its
04-21-2010 meeting, ECUS members recommended this item be removed from this
parking lot given that it would be discussed at the University Senate meeting on
11-Aug -2010 as part of the 2010 Governance Retreat.
2. II.Section2.A.1 (content)
Corps of Instruction List - Definition of Faculty for Apportionment and Election Purposes
Question: Are there alternative ways to define faculty preferable to BoR Corps of Instruction List (Full-time with rank)
3. I.Section1.D. (content)
Veto -- Presidential Actions on University Senate Motions [this section is a quote from the Institutional Statutes]
Question: Must the University President act on EVERY action of the University Senate?
i.e. Slate of Nominees from SubCommittee on Nominations
i.e. Resolutions (Is it desirable to require a formal approve or veto by University President?)
Might consider offering the University President a third option [beyond veto and approve] such as "Receive as Information Item" or "Acknowledge"
II.Section 4.
Officers of the University Senate (content) [11-04-09 meeting; for wider
vetting at Nov SCC/ECUS and US meetings]
DRAFT -this parking lot item was drafted by Craig Turner and is unofficial
until endorsed by ECUS
Question: Should a President Pro Tempore or a Vice President position be a
replacement for the current Presiding Officer Elect position?
Question: Should the incoming University Senate select (elect) its Presiding
Officer (still require elected faculty senator as eligibility)?
Question: Should there be some form of campaigning (statement on desire to serve
(in writing and/or at an organizational meeting)) for officer candidacy?
Question: Should the timeline for selection/election of elected faculty senators
be compressed to permit time for US officer selection process?
Question: Should University Senate officer selection occur prior to the
organizational meeting at which the slate of committees is considered?
Question: How might officers be selected? On-line vote? Another
organizational meeting with vote after campaigning? other process?
Question: How might inclusion and accessibility for service on the University
Senate (particularly as leaders) be promoted?
At its 04-21-2010 meeting, ECUS members recommended this item be removed from this parking lot given that it would be discussed at the University Senate meeting on 11-Aug -2010 as part of the 2010 Governance Retreat.
5. VI: Bylaws
Revision Process (content) [11-04-09 meeting]
Suggestion to amend bylaws revision process to make only "substantive" changes
endure the two meeting rule
with a separate compressed process for "editorial" (minor wording) changes
(possibly consent agenda item if such survive review)
At its 04-21-2010 meeting, ECUS members recommended this item be removed from this parking lot given that it was motion 0910.EC.002.B.
Bylaws Parking Lot [Editorial Matters]
The items on this list are more editorial (less substantive) matters
that may result in proposed bylaws revisions. Prior to becoming a proposed
bylaws revision, the issue is subject to consideration at one or more future
meetings of the Executive Committee.
At its 04-21-2010 meeting, ECUS members recommended these items be removed from this parking lot given that they were included in motion 0910.EC.001.B.
All Sections:
Consider adding subtitles to sections as has been the practice in recent
revisions to the bylaws
2. IV.Section3.A.
Replace "chair" with "officer" [a remnant of collapsing of two organizational
meetings to one with all officers elected at once]
3. V.Section1.A.
Minimum Size of ECUS is seven members (not eight as presently stated) -- Univ
Pres, Provost, Three Officers, Two more [for five academic units]
V.Section2.C.1 (editorial)
APC Composition: Given that in 2008-09 the conversation of adding a voting
student member to the APC, the editorial adjustment was not made here
Consider changing "VPAA" to "Chief Academic Officer", "which" to "whom", and
"that" to "who"
II.Section1.A.4. (editorial)
Student Members on University Senate
Consider changing "student member" to "selected student senator" and "students
to serve as university senators" to "selected student senators"
University Senate Composition
Consider changing the first two occurrences of "that are" to "who
the third occurrence of "that are" to "identified as"
and "from the" to "who are"