From: Sandra Jordan <>
To: Craig Turner <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2011 23:01:35 -0500
Subject: Re: FAPC: Advisory to Provost on Academic Year Faculty Summer Availability
Dr. Turner,
Thank you for sharing the motion with me. I will consider the recommendation of FAPC and discuss the ramifications of this recommendation with the collegiate deans.
Sent from my iPad. Please forgive typos.
On Jan 20, 2011, at 9:57 PM, "Craig Turner" <> wrote:Provost Jordan,
At the 14 Jan 2011 FAPC meeting, the committee deliberation of "Academic Year Faculty Availability in the Summer" continued informed by the following informational update you provided me to share with the committee.
Provost 01-14-2010 Update: I have asked the Deans to review the letters sent to new students by the departments in order to look for possible issues related to faculty summer workload. That is ongoing. I’ve only asked the deans to let me know when the review is complete. I did not ask them to report the results of the review. I believe that is what I was asked to do . . .(as the minutes seem to confirm). If FAPC wants additional information, please let me know.
There are two items to report to you on this matter. Let me know if you require additional information or clarification of these items.
(1) A suggestion that the information loop be closed by having the deans and department chairs report back to the Provost with the results of the review of the letters in their respective academic units and departments was made by a committee member. No members of the committee objected to this suggestion nor did the committee formally endorse this suggestion.
(2) Exercising its advisory function, the committee charged the committee chair to forward the following motion to the Provost.
Motion 1 (14 Jan 2011 FAPC Meeting): To recommend that the Provost instruct all academic administrators that no faculty member be required to perform duties while not under contract. Further, that refusal by a faculty member to perform tasks while not under contract shall not be considered during the tenure application process, annual evaluations or merit increase decisions.
A summary of the committee deliberation of this motion:
- Faculty asked to work during the summer should be compensated for the requested activity.
- Consideration should be made that faculty have the right to refuse to work during summer months, when not under contract, without negative consequences.
- Open discussions should provide for a mutual agreement between faculty and administrators in the determination of fair and equitable compensation for work done when not under contract.
- The general agreement among committee members was that faculty should not be harmed if refusing to perform service activities with no compensation or contract during the summer.