Faculty Awards

Faculty Teaching Awards




Nominees must be full-time faculty who have completed a minimum of three years of full time teaching.  The award committee will look for evidence that nominees have demonstrated through persuasive, direct documentation that they have on a campus-wide basis achieved excellence in a variety of the following activities, to be weighed in the order they are listed: 

Required Documentation for the Teaching Excellence Awards

Nomination portfolios for this award are limited to 20 one-sided pages (in a font no smaller than 12 point).  Candidates are permitted to include multimedia resources (samples of student work; models of innovative use of technology, etc.) on a CD, but any text files included will count towards the 20 page limit.  Otherwise, the CD shall itself count as 1 page.  Nominees are encouraged to review the portfolios of past recipients of the BOR Teaching Excellence Awards or to consult with CETL for guidance on appropriate materials to include.  Each portfolio must include the following information:  

It is the responsibility of the nominator or department chair to collect information for the portfolio. A faculty member cannot nominate him or her self for the Excellence in Teaching Award.  Candidates for this award must be nominated by a faculty member, department chair, or dean.  Nominations from students will not be accepted. 

A five-year period shall pass before a recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award is eligible to be considered for the award again.  The Excellence in Teaching Award is not necessarily an annual award; instead it is an award given to up to 3 nominated faculty that meet the award criteria for teaching excellence. 

2. Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award

One of the three annual recipients of the teaching excellence awards may be named the winner of the Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award and will also be the GCSU nominee for the Board of Regents Teaching Excellence Award. 


Nominees must be full-time faculty who have completed a minimum of five years of full time teaching.  The award committee will look for evidence that candidates have  demonstrated through persuasive, direct documentation that they have attained recognition on a statewide or national basis (as evidenced by winning statewide and/or national awards for teaching, or dissemination of teaching insights and knowledge to colleagues through conducting teaching and learning workshops at other institutions or organizations, publications in peer-reviewed scholarly  journals,  conference presentations at peer-reviewed scholarly statewide or national conferences) for a variety of the following activities, to be weighed in the order they are listed:  

Required Documentation for the Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award

Nomination portfolios for this award are limited to 20 one-sided pages (in a font no smaller than 12 point).  Candidates are permitted to include multimedia resources (samples of student work; models of innovative use of technology, etc.) on a CD, but any text files included will count towards the 20 page limit.  Otherwise, the CD shall itself count as 1 page.  Nominees are encouraged to review the portfolios of past recipients of the BOR teaching excellence awards or to consult with CETL for guidance on appropriate materials to include.  Each portfolio must include the following information:  

It is the responsibility of the nominator or department chair to collect information for the portfolio. A faculty member cannot nominate him or her self for the Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award.  Candidates for this award must be nominated by a faculty member, department chair, or dean.  Nominations from students will not be accepted.

This award may be received only once during a person’s career at GCSU.   Previous winners of the Teaching Excellence Award may be nominated for the Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award, but a five-year period shall pass before a previous recipient of the Excellence in Teaching Award is eligible to be considered for the Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award.   The Distinguished Achievement in Teaching Award is not necessarily an annual award; instead it is an award given to a faculty member who meets the award criteria for distinguished achievement in teaching.    


The award committee will look for persuasive evidence that nominees have a record of superlative teaching, research, and service related to the profession while at GCSU. To be eligible for nomination, a faculty member must be full time tenured faculty at GCSU with a minimum rank of associate professor and must have completed five years of teaching at GCSU.

Required Documentation:
Nomination portfolios for these awards are limited to 20 pages, including any appendices (no smaller than 12 point). Each portfolio must include the following information:

·         Nomination letter.  (1-2 pages)

·         A condensed curriculum vitae covering tenure at GCSU.

·         A reflective statement about teaching, research, and service to the profession from the nominee. (2-3 pages)

·         Two letters of support from colleagues qualified to comment on the nominee's teaching, research, and service to the profession. 

·         Two letters of support from current and/or past students. At least one letter should be from one of the nominee's current students.

·         Any additional supporting documentation. 

A faculty member cannot nominate him or her self for the Distinguished Professor Award.  It is the responsibility of the nominator or department chair to collect information for the portfolio.  Letters of support from students should be requested by the nominator or department chair.  The nominee should only provide contact information on potential students of whom this request could be made. 

The Distinguished Professor Award shall be awarded only once to a faculty member.  This award is the highest level of achievement recognized at GCSU as a “lifetime achievement” award.  Once a recipient of this award, faculty will not be eligible to receive the award again. 

4. Department/Program Excellence Award 


Required Documentation:
Nomination portfolios for these awards are limited to 20 pages, including any appendices (no smaller than 12 point). Therefore, incorporating every kind of evidence will be impossible.  Instead, each department will want to select only the strongest and most relevant evidence.  Each portfolio must include the following information:

·        Nomination letter from the department chair/program director.  (1-2 pages)

·        A statement from the department or program that outlines its philosophies, goals, and strategies for making a difference in the academic success of students. (2-3 pages)

·        A one-page fact profile of the department or program

·        Data showing student successes, such as graduation rates, retention, job placement, acceptance to other schools, etc.

·        A concise, clear and well organized collection of evidence that details the department’s or programs distinctive efforts to foster student learning. 

Research Awards
1. Excellence in Research/Publication Award

The Excellence in Research/Publication Award is presented annually by the GC&SU Foundation to a maximum of three faculty members selected (1) from faculty who submit evidence of publication of their research results in refereed or other acceptable professional journals, such works to bring credit to the university, recognition by scholarly peers, and indirect benefit to the students in classes which are related to the research efforts of the author, or (2) from nominations submitted to the Faculty Research Committee by faculty peers or school administrators.

In February of each year, the Faculty Research Committee reviews and evaluates each submission and recommends three award recipients. The recipients are recognized at the Georgia College & State University Honors Day Ceremony. Excellence in Research/Publications Award


2. GCSU Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award


Nominees for this award must be full-time faculty members.  The awards committee will look for evidence that candidates have demonstrated:

·        a record of investigating teaching and learning issues through well-defined formal research projects using methods appropriate for their disciplines;

·        a record of using the evidence gleaned from these projects to revise and improve their teaching methods in order to enhance student learning;

·        a record of disseminating results of teaching and learning research projects, preferably through publications in peer-reviewed journals, but presentations to scholarly organizations may also be valued though not weighed as heavily.

The award committee should have discretion as to which of the following criteria to weight the most heavily.  Candidates for this award should demonstrate through persuasive, directly documented evidence that they have engaged in teaching and learning research projects that have:

Required Documentation 

Nomination portfolios for these awards are limited to 20 one-sided pages, including any appendices (in a font no smaller than 12 point).  Nominees are encouraged to review the portfolios of the BOR scholarship of teaching and learning award recipients or to consult with CETL for guidance on appropriate materials to include.  Each portfolio must include the following information: 

Nominations must come from colleagues, department chairs, or deans.  Nominations will not be accepted from students. 

3. Excellence in Artistic Endeavor Award

The Excellence in Artistic Endeavor Award is presented annually through the GC&SU Foundation to a full-time faculty member from faculty who submit evidence of off-campus artistic activities produced, published, or performed during the previous calendar year. All submissions should contain the following:

  • A short narrative describing the nature of the activity of the medium.

  • Evidence of off-campus professional/peer review.

  • Documentation consisting of, but not limited to, copies of publications, slides or photographs, video or audio tapes, written evaluations or reviews, programs, or publicity notices as appropriate for the art form.

It is the responsibility of the faculty member to present the documented material to its best advantage. The documentation of the submitted work must clearly indicate that the faculty member's principal affiliation is with Georgia College & State University and that the work submitted was presented in the preceding calendar year.

The recipient of the award is not eligible to compete the following year. In February of each year, the submissions are evaluated by the Excellence in Artistic Endeavor Award Committee and a recommendation is sent to the Provost. Excellence in Artistic Endeavor Award

Service Awards
1. Irene Rose Community Service Award

2. Faculty University Service Award

The purpose of the Faculty University Service Award is to recognize extraordinary service and contribution to the GC&SU community by a member of the faculty. This award recognizes the importance of individual contribution for the common good of the college community. To be eligible for this award the nominee must hold regular full time faculty status, be tenured, and be a member of the Corps of Instruction.  While service can take many forms, the record of service for which this award is appropriate will be accompanied by evidence that this service made a noteworthy contribution to the university community.  The criteria for this award include the following:  

