Student Affairs Committee

Meeting Agenda

October 6, 2006

12:30 pm

Museum Education Room


Tentative agenda of next meeting:
1. Call to order: Kathleen McGeever
2. Approval of minutes
3. Presentation of research and discussion of commencement speaker

4. Discussion of commencement survey
5. New business
6. Adjournment


SAC members: Don’t forget that if you’re not able to attend the meeting then you’re supposed to email both me and Kathleen McGeever ( so that we can mark you down as “regrets” instead of “absent.”  (From “When a member of the University Senate (US) or one of its committees (AGC, BPC, ECUS, SAC, USC) is absent from a meeting, the absence will be coded as “Regrets” if the member has notified both the Secretary and Chair prior to the meeting time.  This notification should be by email.  Failure to make this notification will result in the absence being coded as "Absent.””)