Academic Governance Agenda

Jan. 12, 2007

A&S 2-51, 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm


Approval of Minutes


Informational Items - ?


Reports – none anticipated


Old Business

1.  Continue discussion of the Faculty Research Task Force recommendations as presented by Dr. Gormly to AGC

2. Examine what is meant by "policy".  See information on "policy" distributed at Nov. 27, 2006 Senate meeting:

3.  Consider whether the AGC approved Academic Dishonesty Motion needs to be brought to the Senate in the form of a motion. 

4.  Discuss Commencement proposal that was presented at Nov. 27, 2006 Senate meeting.


New Business?




Meeting dates for the remainder of the 06-07 Academic year –

(all in A&S 2-51) 12:30-1:45p

February 23
March 23 (if needed)
April 4

April 30  (organizational meeting, elect chair)