From: Karynne Kleine <>
To: "" <>, Barbara Roquemore
        <>, Nancy Davis Bray <>,
        Lee Digiovanni <>, joe windish <>,
        Craig Turner <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 15:18:59 -0500
Subject: retreat planning update

Season?s Greetings! 
  The Governance Retreat Planning WORK GROUP (GRPWG) held its first meeting today and had a useful discussion about many issues related to the retreat.  Members include Barbara Roquemore (new to GRPWG as continuing senator), Lee Digiovanni (returning to GRPWG as SCC), Craig Turner (returning to GRPWG as ECUS), Karynne Kleine (returning to GRPWG as ECUS), Nancy Davis Bray (returning to GRPWG as former senator), and Joe Windish (new to GRPWG as Chair Staff Council) The latter two members sent regrets but will (hopefully) be able to make the next meeting, which will be at Blackbird on 20 January at 2 p.m.  In preparation members are asked to consider the most compelling reason to have a retreat (aside from orienting new members) and for the next meeting to come with suggestions for a theme that would express the goal for the event.  The retreat is tentatively slated for the Wed. before school begins or 11 August.  The plan is to determine outcomes for the event, shape activities that would likely realize outcomes, and then schedule the minimum amount of time necessary for activities to achieve the goals, keeping in mind that efficient use of time is desirable.
  Ideas/points discussed today included: 1) holding an orientation for new senators at the first organizational meeting of the year for each committee; 2) more fully establishing the role of ?mentor? in order to have a compelling reason for the retreat; 3) having some sort of meeting in April/spring that is a hybrid between a SC organizational meeting and a full US meeting that allows new members to hear what each SC has done in the previous year (this might take place at the spring university-wide faculty meeting) perhaps before selecting committee preferences; 4) having time for SCs to meet at the retreat; 5) promoting a ?we can? attitude among the university community and, by extension, the US; and 6) noting that the comments from last year?s retreat are quite similar to previous years? comments causing us to wonder if the feedback form needs to change or whether there needs to be a mechanism for ensuring that ideas brought forward from the retreat are further considered/acted upon.
  Although these notes are brief I think they capture the bulk of the day?s proceedings?please feel free to change if you have a suggestion!  Until next we meet ECUS and GRPWG, have a warm and wonderful respite!
  Peace and joy--klmk
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Dr. Karynne L. M. Kleine
Professor of Middle Grades Education
  Georgia College & State University
                   CBX 071
          Milledgeville GA  31061