Cinco do Mayo 2010 GRPWG meeting


Present: Lee Digiovanni, Karynne Kleine, Barbara Roquemore, Craig Turner, Joe

              Windish, Howard Woodard

Regrets: Nancy Davis Bray


Those present reviewed the tentative agenda for the retreat. There were three main items of business.

1)      Compiled the responses from the information sheet (GRIGI) to get general idea to assist with planning.  Determined that most people not planning to attend the social are continuing senators although up to 35 plan to attend; that there need to be at least ten vegetarian meals; that water, coffee, diet soda, and sweet tea were preferred beverages (in that order); and that afternoon snacks for social should arrive by 2 p.m. so that if event finished early people will not have to wait to begin socializing.

2)      Discussed the results of attempts to gather “big picture” items for data analysis and there appeared to be none.  Therefore, in discussion determined that the issues for standing committee discussion will be *A) making committee collaboration intentional and B) how Standing Committees can move toward advocacy and prevent bog-down.  Also determined that during lunch Standing Committee Chairs will work together to formulate language that will be used to make a motion from the University Senate body in the afternoon University Senate meeting

3)      Updated and modified the timing of scheduled events: see below


The next GRPWG meeting Thursday 5 Aug., at the West Campus Center.

In the meantime, please complete tasks assigned to you as an individual or in conjunction with partners.




Strand 1 (new senators) Merged sessions       Strand 2 (veteran senators)



Registration and Socializing






Karynne Kleine & President Leland


9:30-10:30 (A)

Orientation to include senate structure, scope of committees, elementary steering items

Joe & Craig


9:30-10:30 (A’)

Assessment of current knowledge re: US; create list of obligations/ implications to be shared w/ new senators, (advanced steering items?)

Howard & Karynne

10:30-11:15 (B)

Parliamentary procedure

(free choice)

David M


10:30-11:15 (B’)

Parliamentary procedure

(free choice)

Ken F (Howard back-up)


11:25-11:40 (C)

Merged session to share what done/learned in beginning session




11:40 – 12:15 (D)

Time for Standing Committees to meet during which each will address the two items noted above in addition to other business*



12:15 – 12:30 (E)

Report out to be used to formulate resolution

Joe & Karynne



12:30 – 1:30 (F)

Jeopardy while lunching

Barbara & Lee




1:30 – 3:00 (G)

Senate Meeting to discuss issue of officer selection and other issues using Parliamentary Procedure; resolution re: advocacy*

Ken McGill



3:00 – 4:00 (H)

Break, culmination, social

Barbara & Howard



Clean-up All


Lee to tackle “food” (morning and lunch);

Howard & Barbara responsible for social beverages and snacks;

Lee to make first contact with Monica Starley to determine budget and process and pass this information along to Howard & Barbara.