Notes for the 14 April 2010 GRPWG meeting. 

Present: Barbara Roquemore, Craig Turner, Joe Windish, Howard Woodard
Regrets: Nancy Davis Bray, Lee Digiovanni, Karynne Kleine

Those present reviewed the tentative agenda for the retreat.  There were two main items of business.

1. Briefing the group on individual sessions
     a.  Howard Woodard indicated that it was quite likely that Ken Farr has agreed to facilitate a Robert's Rules session.
     b.  Craig Turner and Joe Windish indicated that they will coordinate on the orientation session for incoming University Senators on Tuesday April 20, 2010.  The plan was to use the handout that has been used for previous orientation sessions as a starting point.  The final product may or may not resemble the starting point.  Time will tell.
     c.  Joe Windish reported consulting with the library faculty on big picture issues. Main one was faculty workload (make it better).
     d.  There was a brief conversation about beverages (alcoholic) for closing reception. Howard Woodard and Barbara Roquemore have been awaiting information on budget before proceeding.  Craig Turner indicated that for retreats in the past at which alcoholic beverages were served, the Office of the University President had sometimes supplied these and suggested that Howard and/or Barbara consult with President Leland (possibly via Monica Starley) about the possibilities for the 2010 Retreat.  Craig Turner also indicated that the typical budget for retreats has been in the ballpark of $1500 to $1800. 

2.  Review last year's Governance Retreat Information Gathering Instrument (GRIGI)
     a.  Those present agreed that the GRIGI with the date updated would likely garner the type of information needed.
     b.  There was a suggestion to consider incorporating a question on the type of information (big picture or vision items) that was possibly going to be sought (and may still) from university community members via a survey.  There was not a consensus opinion on this.  No one expressed strong feelings against its inclusion nor was there strong enthusiasm for its inclusion.
    c.  The GRIGI from 2009 is available here:
    d.  The GRIGI from 2009 is attached in MS Word format with date change in Track Changes Notation.
    e.  The GRIGI might be distributed to University Senators at the 19 April 2010 and 23 April 2010 meetings of University Senate. 

3. There being no further business, adjourn.

Addendum 05-06-2010
The GRIGI as distributed at the 19 April 2010 and 23 April 2010 meetings of University Senate is available here.