Annual Governance Retreat
Thursday 10 May, 2007
GCSU Graduate
& Professional Learning Center433 Cherry St. (Jefferson Building)
-Macon, GAParking in garage on
Mulberry St. Lane next to Douglass Theatre
Casual dress!
The annual governance retreat is designed to inform senators about their roles and
responsibilities, build cohesiveness amongst all senators who are promoting shared
governance, assess the performance of the relevant governance structure over the past
year, and set goals for the upcoming year. Participants will work with various groups
throughout the day to accomplish these aims. As
we will have a brand new committeestructure in 2007-2008,
if is especial&important for you to participate. Below is a briefoutline of information and timing pertaining to the event.
Continental breakfast and check-in
9:00 -10:20Pre-Retreat Senator Orientation
9:30 -10:20OPEN TO ALL RETREAT PARTICIPANTS but especially useful fornew senatorso
RSVP appreciatedo
See Proposed Agenda belowRetreat
10:30 am -5:30 p.m.Lunch and refreshments providedo
RSVP appreciatedRegistration and Refreshments
9:00 -10:20Refreshments (continental breakfast with check-in, afternoon break,o
optional afternoon reception after work is done, tentatively scheduled for 4 p.m.)
Parking stubs signed by Parris Story will earn FREE parking!o
Take Highway 49 from Milledgeville into Macon. Turn Left Onto Walnut St
1Us41 Br I Ga-22/
Ga-49. Turn right onto Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd / Us-129 S 1Us41 Br S1Us-80 W 1Ga-11S
1Ga-22 W. Turn right onto Cherry Street. Parking garage is located on Mulberry Street Lane.New Senator Orientation
-Operational Information for SenatorsTentative Agenda
Prepared by Dr. Craig Turner
1. What are the responsibilities and expectations of a University Senator?
Who do I represent? (constituency)
What meeting/functions am I expected to attend?
What committee(s) will I serve on?
What other responsibilities/expectations are there of/for University Senators?
2. How does the University Senate operate?
WHO? Composition of the University Senate
WHEN? What is the University Senate Calendar?
WHAT? What types of business is considered by the University Senate?
(Proposal Checklist)
HOW? What is the process by which the University Senate considers business?(Motion Checklist)
RARELY Issues are considered as a Committee of the Whole
USUALLY Issues are considered by a Standing Committee and a&d on by the entire University Senate
a. How does someone submit a proposal for consideration by the University Senate?
What are the University Senate Committees? (APC, SAPC, ECUS, FAPC, SAPC, RPIPC)c. What are the primary responsibilities of each committee?
3. How does the University Senate communicate internally?
(Email Lists, Agenda on Web, Online Motion Database, Acronyms)
4. Where can I find information about the University Senate?
(Website, Local Links)
5. Who can I talk to if I have specific questions?
(Committee Chairs, Executive Committee, Mentors, FAQ (nonexistent) etc.)