Georgia College & State University
Executive Committee
of the
University Senate
Team Charter
(March 2, 2004)
Name: President’s Retreat Planning Committee for 2005
Rationale: ECUS authorized the establishment of a planning committee at the 11-10-04 meeting
Purpose: To plan the retreat agenda and facilitate retreat sessions on governance process scheduled for 05-11-05
Theme: Creating a Culture of Shared Governance and Visibility
Topics: Vision for Policy, Leadership Skills, Routes of Communication/Structure within Schools, Roadblocks to Effective Communication with Constituencies (These are tentative topics to be reviewed by the committee along with other suggestions as they are received.)
Reports to: ECUS
Membership: Betty Block, J.W. Good, Harry Glover, Cheryl Reynolds, Craig Turner
· Prepare agenda and materials needed for discussion of ideas collected for the retreat
o Possible panel (Betty, Lee, Ken) to lead large group discussion of ideas collected on various questionnaires
· Prepare and assemble materials and equipment, provide and train facilitators for small group work (4 standing committees) on shared governance process
· Prepare and assemble materials and equipment, provide and train facilitators for large group feedback on shared governance process
Product: Retreat agenda including topics, time allocations (sessions beginning at 1 pm and lasting until 4 pm), facilitators, materials and supplies needed (These are tentative times and may be adjusted as the committee deliberates.)
Timeline: Meetings: March 23, 2:00 pm; April 06, 12:30 pm; April 27, 12:30 pm and final report due to ECUS by 05-04-05. All meetings are reserved for Kilpatrick 221.
· Retreat to be held at Port Armor with one large interior room
· Invited participants include existing and newly-elected Senators
· Kickoff at lunch with questions on tables to lead into chairs panel
· Evaluation of retreat process to include survey