Important By-Laws for Committee Officers to Know


Duties of Standing Committees and Subcommittees


University Senate Bylaws Article V Section 2.B

1. The members of a standing committee shall elect a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary by secret ballot at the first committee meeting in accordance with Article IV Sec 3 of these bylaws. Only those members elected to the University Senate are eligible to serve as the committee chair, but any member of the committee is eligible to serve as vice chair or secretary. The chair, vice chair, and secretary shall be elected for a period of one year. The chair, vice chair, or the secretary may be reelected.

2. Committees shall consult with the Executive Committee as to relevant issues, policies, and procedures that shall be the work of the committee and to seek out and identify concerns within its area of responsibility.

3. The secretary of the committee shall provide minutes of each meeting to the Secretary of the Executive Committee as well as post the minutes electronically within eight (8) calendar days of the meeting. This would include minutes of any subcommittee or ad hoc committee that reports to it.

4. Standing committees shall monitor the activities of their subcommittees and consult with subcommittees regarding the relevant issues, policies, and procedures that shall be the work of that subcommittee.
a.    The subcommittee members shall elect their chair, vice chair, and secretary, set the agenda for their meetings, and determine when meetings will take place.
b.    Subcommittee chairs shall attend standing committee meetings as requested to report on the activities of the subcommittee and to provide information regarding the status of recommendations emanating from the subcommittee.

5. Committee chairs shall attend meetings of the Executive Committee as requested.

6. Committees may recommend policies and procedures of the University and shall send them to the Executive Committee that shall forward them for consideration to the University Senate.


Standing Committees and their Relationship to the Business of the University Senate


University Senate Bylaws Article III Section 1 

The University Senate shall discharge its responsibilities through a system of standing committees elected by and directly responsible to the University Senate. These standing committees shall establish their own operating policies and procedures consistent with these Bylaws and the University Statutes. These must be filed with the Executive Committee and updated as needed.


University Senate Bylaws Article IV Section 1

The regular operations of the University Senate shall follow a committee review procedure. The University Senate by a two-thirds majority vote may suspend committee review of a specific matter and act as a committee of the whole. In all other cases, the Senate shall submit all matters of substance for study, recommendations, and/or action by a committee prior to definitive action being taken by the University Senate.   Standing committee business may be initiated by any member of the committee, by the Executive Committee of the University Senate, by the President, or by a written request to the Executive Committee supported and signed by at least five Senators.


 University Senate Bylaws Article IV Section 2  

The committees listed in Article V Section 2.A.1 shall constitute the standing committees of the University Senate. Each standing committee and the Executive Committee, through their duly elected chair, shall, at all regular meetings of the University Senate, make a brief verbal report of business transacted. The text of any motions or resolutions that are to be proposed by committees at a University Senate meeting shall be provided to the Executive Committee fifteen (15) calendar days before the meeting, and shall be forwarded to University Senate members by the Executive Committee eight (8) calendar days prior to the meeting. In addition, each committee shall present a comprehensive, written, annual report to the Executive Committee. This comprehensive report, which shall be submitted to the Executive Committee by the end of the academic year shall be attached to the minutes of the last University Senate meeting of the year, shall include a summary of the major items considered by the committee during the academic year and the disposition of each.


University Senate Bylaws Article IV Section 3   Within fifteen (15) calendar days of the first day of classes of the Fall semester, the outgoing chair of each standing committee shall call a meeting of the incoming committee and transfer current committee records to it. Records older than twelve (12) months and not needed by the incoming committee shall be handled in accordance with the policies of the Board of Regents and State of Georgia requirements (see government link The incoming committee shall elect a chair, vice chair, and a secretary in accordance with Article V Section 2.B.1 of these bylaws.


Purviews and Composition of the Standing Committees of the University Senate


University Senate Bylaws Article V, Section 2.C.

1. Academic Governance Committee

a. This committee shall be composed of fourteen (14) members elected by the University Senate, and the Vice President of Academic Affairs/ Dean of Faculties.

b. This committee shall have the responsibility of considering and making policy recommendations regarding all issues that affect Corps of Instruction faculty, curriculum, instruction, and academic programs and policies that affect the entire University. The committee shall address issues relating to the quality of instruction and shall make recommendations concerning the nature and structure of undergraduate and graduate degree programs, general accreditation compliance, core curriculum, admissions, advisement, retention, and academic practices. The committee shall also recommend policies and procedures concerning professional development and research opportunities for faculty, faculty awards (teaching, research, service, and program), intellectual property rights, research awards, distinguished service awards, and honorary degrees. The committee shall also recommend university-wide policies concerning faculty workloads, salaries, and tenure and promotion. This committee shall consider recommendations on the procedures for faculty recruitment, faculty grievance resolution, and academic administrator evaluation. The committee shall also be concerned with issues related to the Honors & Scholars Program, continuing education and non-degree programs, international education, and experiential learning. Recommendations on academic programs including but not limited to the academic calendar, this committee shall also consider registration, retention and student academic appeals processes. 


2.  University Services Committee

a. This committee shall be composed of fourteen (14) members elected by the University Senate, and the Director of Legal Affairs.

b. The responsibility of this committee includes the review and recommendation of policies related to technological services, practices and fees that affects faculty, staff, and students, and issues regarding the health, welfare, and safety of the University Community including, but not to be limited to, policies and procedures regarding alcohol and illegal drugs on campus, the use of human subjects in research, safety and risk management, Homeland Security, compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, affirmative action, conflict resolution, and student health services.


3.  Budget and Planning Committee

a. This committee shall be composed of fourteen (14) members elected by the University Senate, and the Vice President for Business and Finance.

b. This committee shall have the responsibility of considering and making recommendations regarding the budgeting process and its impact on the general educational policy and welfare of the University Community. These responsibilities include University Senate recommendations to the President concerning the University Strategic Plan, budgeting (including long range planning and the annual budget), marketing, facilities, and campus master planning.


4. Student Affairs Committee

a. This committee shall be composed of fourteen (14) members elected by the University Senate, and the Vice President for Student Affairs.

b. This committee shall have the responsibility of considering and making recommendations and policies concerning student housing, the quality of residence life, scholarships, orientation, first year academic experience activities, graduation and other student ceremonies (Honors Day, Convocation), athletics and NCAA practices, rules and regulations affecting student life and activities, non-academic student appeals process, and University Diversity Planning.