1.  Senate business is generally handled by a committee of the Senate UNLESS the Senate (by 2/3 majority) agrees to act as committee of the whole

     Who can initiate standing committee business?

            Any member of the standing committee

            Executive Committee

            University President

            Written Request to Executive Committee supported/signed by at least five Senators

            Deans may route academic program information directly to Academic Governance

            with notification to Executive Committee


2.  Committee Deliberation

         Hearings (as appropriate) and Deliberation

Involve constituencies, stakeholders, administrators likely to be required to implement policy in committee discussion and hearings.  (May 2004 Retreat recommendation)

         Produce Committee Report

In addition to the motion, a committee report includes:
Philosophy, Committee Vote, Majority Report, Minority Report, Rationale (pros and cons), Summary of Committee Work, Timeline (Effective Date), Implementation Recommendations

           Committee Chair delivers a committee report at the Senate Meeting

   Submitted in writing to Secretary of the Executive Committee in writing electronically after the Senate Meeting


3.  Use Motion Form (Senate web page)  to communicate motion to Senate for vote

            Subject, Committee, Date, Motion Statement, Policies impacted (if any)

            Supporting documents (draft of policy statement, relevant background, and committee report)


4.   All motions to Senate for vote must be on Motion form and must be submitted to Executive Committee at least 15 calendar days prior to the University Senate Meeting at which considered; in addition Executive Committee must get these to University Senators at least 8 calendar days prior to Senate Meeting.


5.   Senate hears committee report on the motion, time for discussion (if any), and vote.


6.   After the Senate takes action, the motion may go to University Faculty (for example Statute Changes) or may go directly to the University President (both the University Faculty and the President have veto authority)


7.   The President takes an action (approve,veto)


8.   President charges someone to implement (as appropriate)


9.   President plans to report (periodically) on implementation progress to University Senate