Executive Committee (ECUS) Report
given to the University Senate on April 19, 2010
submitted by Karynne Kleine
Steering Committee of the University Senate and Faculty Advisory Committee to the University President
Voting Members: President Leland, Provost Sandra Jordan, Tanya Goette (CoB), Craig Turner (CoAS), Christine Zuger (Library)
Non-voting Member: Deborah Vess (ex officio non-voting, 2008-09 ECUS Chair)
Officers: Secretary: Dean Baker (CoHS), Vice-Chair: Ken McGill (CoAS), Chair: Karynne Kleine (CoE)
Routine business and reports:
Non-routine business (some discussion):
End of year acknowledgement (recognitions) to the following:
All University Senators for serving on the University Senate
Graduate Assistant
Committee Chairs for the additional responsibility they carry (chairing meetings, providing monthly reports, meet monthly with ECUS, SubCommittee on Nominations)
Committee Officers (Vice-Chairs and Secretaries)
Outgoing Senators who are not continuing
President Leland and Provost Jordan for their commitment to shared governance
Members of ECUS
Committee annual reports:
For compliance with the following bylaw, a link to the 2009-2010 committee annual reports is provided here.
IV.Section 2. The committees listed in V.Section2.A.1 shall constitute the standing committees of the University Senate. Each standing committee and the Executive Committee shall present a comprehensive, written, annual report in an appropriate format to the Executive Committee. This report shall include a summary of the major items considered by the committee during the academic year and the disposition of each. The Executive Committee shall set a due date and the format of these reports in consultation with the standing committee chairs and these reports shall be posted with the minutes of the last University Senate meeting of the academic year.