Faculty Affairs Policy Committee (FAPC) Report

given to the University Senate on September 28, 2009

submitted by Lee Digiovanni

The Faculty Affairs Policy Committee met on Friday September 4, 2009.


Issue: IFR criteria (4 different documents that are inconsistent).

Information regarding IFR was reviewed.

The following recommendations are made to the Provost when working with this issue with the Council of Department Chairs:

Issue: Faculty Awards
Further discussion regarding Faculty Awards was held. Mike Whitfield agreed to head up the group making suggested changes and present a document to FAPC for review as soon as possible.


IFR:  Two motions were made to recommend to the Provost regarding the revision of the current IFR as a stop gap measure until the IFR issue can be considered more by the Council of Department Chairs:

  1. Amend part 1 of the IFR to include a self-evaluation of performance. Motion passed.
  2. Change the phrase “Teaching responsibilities” to “Teaching effectiveness” and Add 1D. Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness.

Tentative agenda of next meeting:
Faculty Awards