Student Affairs Policy Commitee

Report to Senate

August 25, 2008


Jennifer Hammack, Vice chair of the SAPC, presented the committee report.  The committee is working on several carry-over items from last year as well as a number of new items.  “Old” items include continued discussion of the placement of Greek benches  on campus as well issues relating to  faculty, staff, and non-University advisors to RSO’s.  The committee will work with SGA on exploring issues related to becoming a non-smoking campus.
Ryan Greene, SGA President, presented a report on the upcoming work of SGA this year.  Senator elections will be held on September 10 and 11 and the first student senate meeting for the year is scheduled for September 24.  SGA is working with the BOR to explore issues related to the current Guaranteed Tuition Plan.  SGA is also exploring issues related to the current proposal to lower the Georgia drinking age to 18.
SGA projects for the upcoming year include sponsoring a contest to develop a GCSU fight song, registering students and providing absentee ballots for the upcoming national presidential election, fostering more student involvement in the local community, working with the bookstore to ensure timely receipt of faculty textbook requests, and building campus support for Homecoming 2009.