Executive Committee
Report given at the
March 31, 2008 University Senate Meeting
Steering Committee of the University Senate and
Faculty Advisory Committee to the University President
Members: President
Leland, Vice President Gormly, Doug Goings (SoB), Bill Richards (Library)
Officers: Secretary:
Chris Greer (SoE), Vice-Chair: Kendra Russell (SoHS), Chair: Craig Turner (SoLAS)
SUMMARY (an approximation to what was shared orally at the
March 31 University Senate meeting)
- Since the February 25, 2008 meeting of the 2007-08
University Senate, ECUS held three elected faculty workshops
(Feb 28, Mar 6, Mar 13), and one
joint meeting with the Standing Committee Chairs
(Mar 20).
- Our standing weekly meeting time is Thursday
from 9:30-10:50 for Spring 2008.
- Informational
- Please note the upcoming items on the
University Senate calendar at the bottom of the agenda
- Comprehensive Annual Reports of Committees
are due on May 1, 2008. The
2007-2008 committee
annual report webpage offers information and documents (the
template) that support the preparation of these reports. A
brief synopsis of this meeting.
- Governance Retreat Planning Committee (GRPC)
(a) had a productive meeting on March 19 at the proposed retreat
site, the Macon Center (Jefferson Building) (b) continue to develop
the agenda for the retreat using the backdrop of taking a trip where
the University Senate committees may take different routes but have
a shared destination (c) notes the retreat date is Thursday May
8, 2008 (d) membership is Bill Richards (chair), Craig Turner,
Todd Shiver, Carol Ormond, and Karen Higgs.
- USG Faculty Governance Coordination
- Faculty governance leaders at Clayton State
University hosted a shared governance coordination meeting for
faculty governance leaders at all university system schools on
Friday March 14, 2008. Informational updates from Craig Turner have
been forwarded to the faculty alert list by Vice President Gormly
- a USG core curriculum initiative update
addressed to all USG faculty from President Leland
- a proposal for the formation of a
University System of Georgia Faculty Council (USGFC) which those
in attendance were asked to circulate among their faculty,
faculty governance unit, Chief Academic Officer, and President
of their respective university. Accompanying the proposal was a
draft set of bylaws to clarify the intent of the proposed
organization with working identity USG Faculty Council. This
complements existing advisory groups for USG students (Student
Advisory Council) and USG Staff (USG Staff Council), the latter
serving as a model for the proposed USGFC.
- In the Books (work which is complete)
- finalized the agenda for the March 31, 2008
University Senate meeting
- met with Standing Committee Chairs on March 20 to
share information and coordinate agendas for April 4, 2008
committee meetings. These April 4 meetings are the final scheduled
meetings of the standing committees for the 2007-2008 academic year.
- received election results from the Staff
Council for Staff University Senators with a 2008-2009 term of
service The results were the election of Karen Higgs, Stacey
Milner, Lori Strawder, and Joe Windish. These results were posted
to the elections webpage of the University Senate as well as announced
via email to the official listserv on March 1.
- implemented the election for the at-large
elected faculty senator position currently held by Dr. Lee Gillis,
whose term ends in April 2008. On March 1, an email announcement was
sent by email to official@list.gcsu.edu announcing that Dr. Karynne
Kleine has been elected for a three year term from April 25, 2008 -
April 2011. This was also posted to the elections webpage of the
University Senate.
- Preparation of a separate resolution that the
University President identify an appropriate university official to
maintain a university-wide committee registry or master committee
list that provides appropriate information such as membership
rosters, committee charge, and committee meeting minutes and is
accessible to the university community. The primary goal is to continue
to support the ideals of transparency in decision-making as well as
access to the information relevant to the deliberations within the
decision-making process. This will be presented as a resolution for your
consideration at the conclusion of this report.
- Preparation of drafts of operational
definitions of the terms concern, practice, guideline, exhibit,
procedure, resolution, and information item. These draft
operational definitions were shared with the Standing Committee Chairs
at the March 20, 2008 joint meeting with the Executive Committee. The
suggestion was to provide these definitions as a handout at the
Governance Retreat to assist with the steering activities within the
sessions at the retreat and to provide these draft definitions to the
2008-2009 Executive Committee requesting them to facilitate continued
conversations and development during the 2008-2009 academic year.
- In Progress (work which is ongoing)
- confidentiality in evaluation discussion
(the recommendation was to review existing GCSU policy on evaluation and
consider the creation of an overarching university evaluation policy
that (a) values evaluation in the spirit of continuous quality
improvement and (b) values confidentiality within the evaluation
process) continues, begun at the Jan 17 joint meeting, continued at the
Feb 14 joint meeting, and was postponed at the Mar 20 joint meeting of
Standing Committee Chairs and Executive Committee. There is general
agreement that the issue involves both policy and procedure which makes
it difficult to quickly resolve.
- for the electronic suggestion box
accessible from the myCATS University Senate tab
- how best to implement an electronic archive of
the suggestions and responses that (1) is accessible to the same set
of individuals that have access to make suggestions to promote
transparency and the sharing of information and (2) supports
possible closure of information loops to authors of anonymous
- language displayed to the user at the time of
submission could indicate more clearly the purpose of the suggestion
- language displayed to the user immediately
following the submission of a suggestion could provide relevant
information about the process by which suggestions will receive a
- exercising our oversight responsibility for
- selected student senators (received
feedback from Student Government Association leaders proposing
University Senate Bylaws revisions to the timeline for the naming of
student representatives to the University Senate to align better
with the election calendar of SGA officers. The proposed change
allows SGA officers to determine and implement the selection process
for the individual students holding student positions on the
University Senate and SAPC and RPIPC that would serve the same
academic year that these SGA officers hold their positions.)
Results and procedures are anticipated no later than April 1.
- Steering:
- On Feb 28, 2008, routed the Institutional
Property Policy and Procedure documents received from Dr. Roy Moore
to the Resources, Planning and Institutional Policy Committee (RPIPC)
for review and consideration
- The next meeting of the Executive Committee is
a joint meeting with Standing Committee Chairs scheduled for Thursday, April
10, 2008 from 9:30-10:45 in the President’s Conference Room. The standing
time for the April 3, 2008 meeting will be used as a meeting of the
SubCommittee on Nominations at which a slate of nominees for committees of
the 2008-2009 University Senate will be drafted.
- At this time, Motion 0708.EC.002.B, a set of
proposed university senate bylaws revisions and Motion 0708.EC.003.R,
University-Wide Committee Registry (Master Committee List) are presented
for your consideration.
DETAILS (providing
more comprehensive information for each of the individual committee meetings)
- Since the February 25, 2008 meeting of the 2007-08
University Senate, ECUS held three elected faculty workshops
(Feb 28, Mar 6, Mar 13), and one
joint meeting with the Standing Committee Chairs
(Mar 20).
- Throughout this report, the
following acronyms may be used.
- Academic Policy Committee (APC)
- Curriculum and Assessment Policy Committee
- Executive Committee of the University Senate
- Faculty Affairs Policy Committee (FAPC)
- Governance Retreat Planning Committee (GRPC)
- Resources, Planning, and Institutional
Policy Committee (RPIPC)
- Standing Committee Chairs (SCC)
- Student Affairs Policy Committee (SAPC)
- SubCommittee on Nominations (SCoN)
- University Senate (US)
- On February 28, 2008,
the elected faculty members of the Executive Committee (ECUS) met and
- reviewed a draft of responses to a USG Faculty
Governance Questionnaire for the March 14, 2008 governance
coordination meeting sponsored by Clayton State University. The
questionnaire was a request to provide a profile of the GCSU Faculty
Governance Unit (the University Senate). Craig agreed to incorporate
the feedback into the draft which is due no later than March 5, 2008.
- agreed to steer the Intellectual Property
Policy and Procedure documents received from Dr. Roy Moore to the
Resources, Planning, and Institutional Policy Committee (RPIPC) for
review and consideration
- agreed to modify the draft of the companion motion
regarding a committee registry to include a sunset clause,
calling for periodic review of the activity status of these committees.
Craig agreed to update this draft for review at the March 20, 2008 joint
meeting of Executive Committee and Standing Committee Chairs.
- reviewed the latest items received from the
electronic suggestion box and agreed to a disposition of each
- received an update from the Governance Retreat
Planning Committee (GRPC) from Bill Richards providing an indication
that the committee continues to firm up the tentative agenda for the
retreat and also requests suggestions for a culminating session that
would have a unifying effect on the attendees.
- agreed that Donna Fuller, 2007-2008 University
Senate Graduate Assistant, would prepare a draft for the Mar 6 meeting
of an archive for the electronic suggestion box
provided as an html document in a table format
with a row for each suggestion and
columns for the date, topic, suggestion, and actions and responses.
- reviewed the first page of a job description and a
set of questions that could provide guidance for future graduate
assistants of the University Senate. This document was prepared by
Donna Fuller, the current graduate assistant, and all present were
enthusiastic about the portion of the draft presented. Suggestions were
to separate the job description from the questions. Donna agreed to
email the draft in its entirety to the committee prior to the March 6
meeting, at which it will be again reviewed
- reviewed drafts of the committee preference survey
for elected faculty senators and committee interest survey for
non-Senators from the 2006-2007 academic year. Agreed that both could
be used with some updates for dates and current versions of supporting
documents. Chris agreed to explore whether Zoomerang might be a good
option to host the elected faculty senator committee preference survey.
Also agreed to discuss this again at the Mar 6 meeting.
- agreed to a assign as point persons for drafting
the ECUS comprehensive annual committee report
Kendra (Executive Summary)
Chris (Committee Reflections)
Bill (Committee Recommendations)
Craig (Committee Name, Academic Year, Charge, Membership and Attendance,
Motions, Ad hoc Committees)
Unclaimed sections (Other significant deliberations, Recommend items for
consideration at retreat)
- Deferred the remaining agenda item to the March 6
meeting -- specifically
operational definitions procedure, practice, resolution, information,
concern, guideline, exhibit
- Finalized the tentative agenda for the next
ECUS meeting, an elected faculty workshop Th Mar 6.
- On March 6, 2008,
the elected faculty of the Executive Committee met and
- reviewed the latest items received from the
electronic suggestion box and agreed to a disposition of each
- received updates from Donna Fuller, 2007-2008
Graduate Assistant of the University Senate, regarding the progress on
the archive for the electronic suggestion box and the graduate
assistant guidance document. In both cases, suggestions were
offered and Donna agreed to incorporate the suggestions for committee
review at a future elected faculty workshop meeting.
- reviewed drafts of operational definitions
of the terms concern, practice, guideline, exhibit, procedure,
resolution, and information item that were prepared on February 21
and some revisions to the drafts were proposed. Craig agreed to
incorporate the revisions from the discussion into a draft for review at
the next joint meeting of Standing Committee Chairs and Executive
Committee (Mar 20).
- reviewed drafts of the committee preference survey
for elected faculty senators and committee interest survey for
non-Senators from the 2006-2007 academic year. Agreed that the
non-Senator survey of committee interest hosted by the online motion
database is updated and ready to implement. Doug Goings agreed to
contact Mazhar Malik to determine whether the Elected Faculty Senator
preference survey could be hosted there as well. Kendra agreed to check
with Julie Collis to determine whether the TestPilot survey from
2006-2007 could be updated to meet our needs in case the aforementioned
preferred option was not feasible. Both agreed to share information
regarding progress either by email prior to or at the next elected
faculty workshop (March 13).
- agreed to propose Th April 3, 2008 as a date for
the SubCommittee on Nominations to meet to prepare the slate of
nominees for committees and officers of the 2008-2009 University
Senate. As committee chair, Doug will explore the feasibility of April
3 as a date for a meeting with Standing Committee Chairs at or prior to
the March 20, 2008 joint meeting of Standing Committee Chairs.
- agreed that ideally the committee preference
and interest surveys would be implemented prior to Spring Break,
i.e. prior to Friday March 21.
- discussed a plan for the organizational
meetings of the 2008-2009 University Senate Committees scheduled for Wed
April 30, 2008 from 12:30 - 1:45. ECUS is charged to arrange for
facilitators of these meetings to at least implement an election of
committee chair. Historically, each facilitator has also provided
contextual orientation information to the committee regarding the
University Senate as well as offered to turn the facilitation of the
meeting over to the newly elected chair at the conclusion of that
election. Agreed to discuss this planning with the current Standing
Committee Chairs at the Mar 20 joint meeting as these committee chairs
could serve as facilitators of these organizational meetings assuming
they would not be put in a position to facilitate an election in which
they might be a nominee.
- reviewed the committee parking lot agreeing to the
Doug Goings would draft a checklist for SubCommittee on Nominations
(SCoN) work
Donna Fuller (graduate assistant) would draft a University Senate
brochure for review at a future committee meeting
Craig Turner would incorporate the deadlines for the process of selecting
University Senators for Students and Staff into the ECUS calendar.
Doug Goings agreed to assume point on the unclaimed sections (other
significant deliberations and recommend items for consideration at retreat) of
the ECUS annual report for 2007-2008.
- finalized the tentative agenda of the March 13
elected faculty workshop agreeing that
the meeting location would be the Blackbird Café and meeting time is
the primary agenda item would be gathering information for the
preparation of the comprehensive annual report of the 2007-2008 Executive
other agenda items include receiving an update on committee surveys and
finalizing the tentative agenda of the March 20 joint meeting with Standing
Committee Chairs
other business including review of committee parking lots as time permits
- On March 13, 2008,
the elected faculty of the Executive Committee met and
- reviewed the latest items received from the
electronic suggestion box and agreed to a disposition of each
- received a report from Doug Goings indicating that
Jay Lancaster would be able to incorporate a survey for University
Senators to express preferences for service on a committee or as an
officer of the University Senate. This survey is anticipated to be
ready for distribution by Friday March 14.
- finalized the tentative agenda of the March 20
joint meeting of the Executive Committee with Standing Committee Chairs.
- discussed the drafts of the sections of the
comprehensive annual report for the 2007-2008 Executive Committee. Each
of the point persons provided a draft or description of his/her part and
took notes on the suggestions of the committee coming from the
conversation. The process to incorporate the revisions identified was
to distribute updated versions via email seeking further committee
review and input. If there was a need to further discussion of the
report in a face to face meeting, we will consider using time (if any)
at the conclusion of the ECUS meetings on March 20 (joint meeting),
April 3 (Subcommittee on Nominations), or April 10 (joint meeting).
Finally there was agreement to review the draft of this committee report
at the April 17 meeting. The point persons for parts of this report are
Kendra (Executive Summary)
Chris (Committee Reflections)
Bill (Committee Recommendations)
Craig (Committee Name, Academic Year, Charge, Membership and Attendance,
Motions, Ad hoc Committees)
Doug (Other significant deliberations, Recommend items for consideration
at retreat)
discussed briefly the parking lots where only one item received
substantive discussion:
Intentional Backup of “precious” University Senate Records
Bill Richards agreed to speak with University Archivist (and University
Senate Archivist) Nancy Davis Bray to seek guidance on best practices for
archiving records of the University Senate as well as clarify the current
archive practice for University Senate.
- On March 20, 2008,
the Executive Committee met jointly with Standing Committee Chairs and
- Received informational updates from President
Leland on three matters (a) State of Georgia Budget which she is
carefully monitoring on a daily basis (b) sought feedback on her initial
thoughts on the search for a Chief Academic Officer indicating she would
be sending a message to all university faculty to seek feedback and
counsel before finalizing her plan (c) an update on the USG core
curriculum initiative mainly pointing out that she had sent a memo to
all USG faculty providing an informational update on the current status
of this initiative.
- Received informational updates from Craig Turner
on the following
Faculty governance leaders at Clayton State University hosted a shared
governance coordination meeting for faculty governance leaders at all university
system schools on Friday March 14, 2008. A presentation at the meeting
considered comparing the University System of Georgia to the ten most populous
states and projecting forward in time to 2025 indicating the number of
anticipated new USG faculty lines needed by that time. The conclusion was that
the key to recruiting and retaining faculty would be to continuously improve
faculty benefits (salary, health and retirement benefits, merit increase,
workload, etc) and faculty governance. This perspective merits further
Informational updates from Craig Turner have been forwarded to the
faculty alert list by Vice President Gormly regarding
a USG core curriculum initiative update addressed to all USG faculty from
President Leland.
a proposal for the formation of a University System of Georgia Faculty
Council (USGFC) which those in attendance were asked to circulate among their
faculty, faculty governance unit, Chief Academic Officer, and President of their
respective university. Accompanying the proposal was a draft set of bylaws to
clarify the intent of the proposed organization with working identity USG
Faculty Council. This complements existing advisory groups for USG students
(Student Advisory Council) and USG Staff (USG Staff Council), the latter serving
as a model for the proposed USGFC.
- There was general endorsement of the concept of
the USGFC by those present at this (Mar 20) joint meeting of Standing
Committee Committees with the Executive Committee.
received an informational update on the Governance Retreat
Planning Committee (GRPC) from Bill Richards, noting that the committee (a)
had a productive meeting on March 19 at the proposed retreat site, the Macon
Center (Jefferson Building) (b) continue to develop the agenda for the retreat
using the backdrop of taking a trip where the University Senate committees may
take different routes but have a shared destination (c) notes the retreat date
is Thursday May 8, 2008 (d) membership is Bill Richards (chair), Craig Turner,
Todd Shiver, Carol Ormond, and Karen Higgs.
- received an informational update on the
SubCommittee on Nominations (SCoN) from committee chair, Doug
Goings, noting that
this committee will meet on Th Apr 3 from 9:30 to 10:50 in the
President’s Conference Room to prepare a slate of nominees for the 2008-2009
University Senate committees
this slate will be informed by two surveys, a committee preference survey
for elected faculty senators and a committee interest survey for faculty that
will not be on the 2008-2009 university senate but desire to participate on one
of its committees.
- received an informational update on
organizational meetings of the 2008-2009 University Senate committees
scheduled for April 30, 2008 noting that the role of the Executive
Committee is to name facilitators for officer elections of this
meeting. Standing Committee Chairs were invited to serve as
facilitators only if they did not intend to consider an officer position
during 2008-2009.
- shared the drafts of operational definitions
of the terms concern, practice, guideline, exhibit, procedure,
resolution, and information. The suggestion was to provide these
definitions as a handout at the Governance Retreat to assist with the
steering activities within the sessions at the retreat and to provide
these draft definitions to the 2008-2009 Executive Committee requesting
them to facilitate continued conversations and development during the
2008-2009 academic year.
- finalized the agenda for the University Senate
meeting scheduled for March 31, 2008. There was consensus that the
University Senate should attend to the disposition of business in favor
of receiving informational reports. To support this agreement, reports
of committees that have submitted motions for consideration will be
delivered to the University Senate prior to reports of the committees
that have not submitted motions. The agreement was to arrange the
committee reports in the following order: CAPC, ECUS, APC, FAPC, RPIPC
and SAPC. In addition, there was agreement to add as a new business
item an informational report from the General Education Implementation
Plan Committee (GEIPC) to be given by Deborah Vess.
- reviewed the language for the resolution
regarding a registry for university-wide committees. This
resolution is a companion to the proposed revision to the university
senate bylaws that the section on administrative committees be removed,
and is intended to promote transparency and access to the decision
making process. The current version was endorsed as amended noting two
typos, which Craig was charged to correct as he adds the motion to the
March 31 University Senate agenda
- Each of the committee chairs present
shared information about his/her respective committee; the details
of which are provided in the other committee reports given at the March
31, 2008 University Senate meeting. Craig shared on update on behalf of
FAPC for Todd Shiver who had extended regrets for this meeting.
- Steering Items
noted that on February 28, 2008 the elected faculty of ECUS steered the
Intellectual Property Policy and Procedure documents received from Dr.
Roy Moore to the Resources, Planning, and Institutional Policy Committee (RPIPC)
for review and consideration
Deborah Vess sought guidance from those present regarding the
Internationalizing the Curriculum initiative, indicating she would share the
feedback provided with Dwight Call.
out of time, deferred the confidentiality in evaluation issue to
the April 10 joint meeting.
- finalized the tentative agenda for the next
meeting of the Executive Committee. This meeting will be a joint
meeting with Standing Committee Chairs on April 10, 2008.
- The next meeting of the Executive Committee is
a joint meeting with Standing Committee Chairs scheduled for Thursday, April
10, 2008 from 9:30-10:45 in the President’s Conference Room. The standing
time for the April 3, 2008 meeting will be used as a meeting of the
SubCommittee on Nominations at which a slate of nominees for committees of
the 2008-2009 University Senate will be drafted.