Executive Committee Report
given at the Feb 25, 2008 University
Senate Meeting
Steering Committee of the University Senate and
Faculty Advisory Committee to the University President
Members: President
Leland, Vice President Gormly, Doug Goings (SoB), Bill Richards (Library)
Officers: Secretary:
Chris Greer (SoE), Vice-Chair: Kendra Russell (SoHS), Chair: Craig Turner (SoLAS)
SUMMARY (an approximation to what was
shared orally at the February 25 University Senate meeting)
- Since the January 28, 2008 meeting of the 2007-08
University Senate, ECUS held three elected faculty workshops
(Jan 31, Feb 7, Feb 21), and one
joint meeting with the Standing Committee Chairs
(Feb 14).
- Our
standing weekly meeting time is Thursday from 9:30-10:50 for Spring
- Informational
- Comprehensive Annual Reports of Committees
are due on May 1, 2008. The
2007-2008 committee
annual report webpage offers information and documents (the
template) that support the preparation of these reports
- Governance Retreat Planning Committee (GRPC)
noting that the committee (a) is drafting the tentative agenda for
the retreat (b) is considering catering options for lunch and breaks (c)
notes the retreat date is Thursday May 8, 2008 (d) membership is
Bill Richards (chair), Craig Turner, Todd Shiver, Carol Ormond, and
Karen Higgs. The governance
retreat website will provide the most current official information
on this retreat.
- Faculty Governance Coordination
- Faculty governance leaders at Clayton State
University are hosting a shared governance coordination meeting for
faculty governance leaders at all university system schools on
Friday March 14, 2008. The
agenda for this meeting is now available.
- In the Books (work which is complete)
- finalized the agenda for the February 25, 2008
University Senate meeting
- received
election results
for elected faculty senators
from school/library deans and reported results via email to
the University Community on February 6.
- met with Standing Committee Chairs on February 14
to share information and coordinate agendas for March 7, 2008
committee meetings.
- posted the
Governance Calendar for the
2008-2009 academic year to the University Senate website and
alerted the University Community of its availability via email.
- In Progress (work which is ongoing)
- confidentiality in evaluation discussion
(the recommendation was to review existing GCSU policy on evaluation and
consider the creation of an overarching university evaluation policy
that (a) values evaluation in the spirit of continuous quality
improvement and (b) values confidentiality within the evaluation
process) continues, begun at the Jan 17 joint meeting, continued at the
Feb 14 joint meeting, and will continue to the Mar 20 joint meeting of
Standing Committee Chairs and Executive Committee. There is general
agreement that the issue involves both policy and procedure which makes
it more difficult to quickly resolve.
- preparing for and implementing the election for
the at-large elected faculty senator position currently held by
Dr. Lee Gillis, whose term ends in April 2008. The University Senate
Bylaws charge the Executive Committee to announce the results of this
election no later than March 1, 2008.
- for the electronic suggestion box
accessible from the myCATS University Senate tab
- how best to implement an electronic archive of
the suggestions and responses that (1) is accessible to the same set
of individuals that have access to make suggestions to promote
transparency and the sharing of information and (2) supports
possible closure of information loops to authors of anonymous
- language displayed to the user at the time of
submission could indicate more clearly the purpose of the suggestion
- language displayed to the user immediately
following the submission of a suggestion could provide relevant
information about the process by which suggestions will receive a
- drafts of operational definitions of the
terms concern, practice, guideline, exhibit, procedure, resolution,
and information
- exercising our oversight responsibility for
- elected staff senators (seeking
guidance from Staff Council regarding bylaws language for staff
positions on University Senate and election results are anticipated
by March 1),
- selected student senators (received
feedback from Student Government Association leaders proposing
University Senate Bylaws revisions to the timeline for the naming of
student representatives to the University Senate to align better
with the election calendar of SGA officers. The proposed change
allows SGA officers to determine and implement the selection process
for the individual students holding student positions on the
University Senate and SAPC and RPIPC that would serve the same
academic year that these SGA officers hold their positions.)
Results and procedures are anticipated no later than April 1.
- Preparation of a separate resolution that the
University President identify an appropriate university official to
maintain a university-wide committee registry or master committee
list that provides appropriate information such as membership
rosters, committee charge, and committee meeting minutes and is
accessible to the university community. The primary goal is to continue
to support the ideals of transparency in decision-making as well as
access to the information relevant to the deliberations within the
decision-making process.
- Steering:
- On Feb 14, 2008, routed the Faculty Bylaws to the
Faculty Affairs Policy Committee for review
- The next meeting of the Executive Committee is
an elected faculty workshop scheduled for Thursday, February 28, 2008 from
9:30-10:45 in Arts & Sciences 1-16.
- At this time, Motion 0708.EC.002.B, a set of
proposed university senate bylaws revisions, is presented for your
(providing more comprehensive information for each of the individual
committee meetings)
- Since the January 28, 2008 meeting of the 2007-08
University Senate, ECUS held three elected faculty workshops
(Jan 31, Feb 7, Feb 21), and one
joint meeting with the Standing Committee Chairs
(Feb 14).
- Throughout this report, the
following acronyms may be
- Academic Policy Committee (APC)
- Curriculum and Assessment Policy Committee
- Executive Committee of the University Senate
- Faculty Affairs Policy Committee (FAPC)
- Governance Retreat Planning Committee (GRPC)
- Resources, Planning, and Institutional
Policy Committee (RPIPC)
- Standing Committee Chairs (SCC)
- Student Affairs Policy Committee (SAPC)
- SubCommittee on Nominations (SCoN)
- University Senate (US)
- On January 31, 2008,
the elected faculty members of the Executive Committee (ECUS) met and
- reviewed final drafts of documents pertaining to
the election of an at-large elected faculty senator, specifically
an election procedure including a timeline and a call for nominations.
Some of these documents will be posted to the elections webpage for the
2007-2008 academic year. Note that the bylaws charge ECUS to announce
the results of this election no later than March 1.
- received updates from Chris Greer regarding the
2008-09 Governance Calendar (under review by Department Chairs and
Deans) and the work he agreed to do adjusting language for the
electronic suggestion box, the latter requiring more time. Chris will
continue to attend to these two matters and provide updates of his
progress on each at the next elected faculty workshop (Th, Feb 7)
- agreed to a tentative agenda for the next
ECUS meeting, an elected faculty workshop on Th Feb 7.
- discussed proposed University Senate bylaws
changes, specifically
three drafts of language introducing a presiding officer elect
position for the University Senate. The final proposal calls for this
individual to serve as presiding officer elect and vice-chair of ECUS for one
year, and then presiding officer and chair of ECUS the following year. For both
presiding officer and presiding officer elect positions,
eligibility: elected faculty senator,
nomination: from Subcommittee on Nominations or the floor of the
University Senate,
elected by the University Senate
there were suggestions for changes to the revision process for the
University Senate bylaws
explicitly require any proposed bylaw revisions be
submitted IN WRITING,
reduce the minimum number of endorsing University Senators from
five (5) to three (3)
the remaining items in the Level I, II, and III document were considered
with agreements that
steering faculty bylaws to FAPC for review be considered at the
Feb 14 joint meeting,
all remaining items in this draft require no proposed revisions to
the current bylaws
agreed that the consideration of proposed revisions had come to an end as
all items on both the ECUS bylaws parking and Level I, II, III document had been
completely reviewed
agreed that Craig should prepare drafts of a motion and supporting
documents for the bundle of proposed bylaws revisions for review at the next
meeting (Feb 7)
- On February 7, 2008,
the elected faculty of the Executive Committee met and
- received an update on the upcoming at-large
preparations for the online ballot are in progress
the election procedure still needs to be posted to the webpage
- received an update from Chris Greer noting that
the 2008-2009 Governance Calendar continues to undergo a review
by Deans and Department Chairs.
- received an update from Chris Greer regarding the
electronic suggestion box noting that
revisions to the language on the online electronic suggestion box is in
necessary support personnel are engaged in a high priority time-sensitive
once this project is completed, there should be an opportunity to
complete this work
- finalized the tentative agenda for the joint
meeting with standing committee chairs
(Th, Feb 17)
- reviewed the motion and supporting documents for
the proposed University Senate Bylaws revisions. No proposed
amendments to the drafts presented were offered. The motion will be
proposed for the February 2008 agenda. Note that proposed bylaws
revisions require two University Senate meetings (present the proposal
at first, vote at second) for consideration.
- the following documents were reviewed in
anticipation of upcoming meetings
Feb 14, 2008 joint meeting of Executive Committee and Standing Committee
a proposal to steer the faculty bylaws to FAPC for review
supporting documents for continuation of the confidentiality within
evaluation conversation that began at the Jan 17 meeting and continues on Feb 14
Drafts of operational definitions of the terms policy, procedure,
practice, resolution, information, concern, guideline, and exhibit. For the Feb
21 elected faculty workshop, drafts of the following terms will be prepared for
committee review: concern (Chris), practice (Kendra), procedure (Craig),
guideline (Doug), exhibit (Bill)
Reviewed the list of twenty recommendations from the 2006-2007 ECUS
Annual Report. Agreed that this list would now serve as the 2007-2008 general
parking lot and that together with the 2006-2007 ECUS parking lot should serve
as guidance documents in the preparation of the tentative agendas for the
remaining 2007-2008 ECUS meetings.
- On February 14, 2008,
the Executive Committee met jointly with Standing Committee Chairs and
- Received informational updates from Craig Turner
on the following
University Senate tab in myCATS: announced its
existence to the university community via email
Electronic Suggestion Box: continuing to make progress on
how best to implement:
a plan to review and respond to
the suggestions received, with the understanding that anonymous suggestions
which are not clearly understood may not receive adequate response in all cases
an electronic archive of the
suggestions and responses that is accessible to the same set of individuals that
have access to make suggestions to promote transparency and the sharing of
information and supports possible closure of information loops to authors of
anonymous suggestions
language displayed to the user at
the time of submission should indicate more clearly the purpose of the
suggestion box
language displayed to the user
immediately following the submission of a suggestion should provide relevant
information about the process by which suggestions will receive a response
March 14 Governance Coordination at Clayton State:
shared the tentative agenda of this meeting with those present and
discussed the opportunity extended to GCSU to host a future
coordination meeting of USG faculty governance bodies, agreeing that this
decision should be deferred to the incoming University Senate leadership that
will be named on April 25, 2008
2008-2009 Governance Calendar has been posted to the University
Senate website and a link to this calendar has been distributed by email to the
university community
Comprehensive Annual Reports of Committees are due on May 1,
2008. The 2007-2008 committee annual report webpage offers information and
documents (the template) that support the preparation of these reports.
- Received an informational update on the
at-large election from Doug Goings, noting that
there are four nominees, all of whom must be contacted to determine their
willingness to serve
those nominees who are willing to serve will be placed on the ballot
online voting will take place within the week of Feb 18 to Feb 22
- Received an informational update on the
Governance Retreat Planning Committee (GRPC) from Bill Richards,
noting that the committee (a) is drafting the tentative agenda for the
retreat (b) is considering catering options for lunch and breaks (c)
notes the retreat date is Thursday May 8, 2008 (d) membership is Bill
Richards (chair), Craig Turner, Todd Shiver, Carol Ormond, and Karen
- finalized the agenda for the University Senate
meeting scheduled for February 25, 2008. There was consensus that
the University Senate should attend to the disposition of business in
favor of receiving informational reports. To support this agreement,
reports of committees that have submitted motions for consideration will
be delivered to the University Senate prior to reports of the committees
that have not submitted motions. The agreement was to arrange the
committee reports in the following order: RPIPC, ECUS, APC, CAPC, FAPC,
and SAPC
- reviewed the language for the resolution
regarding a registry for university-wide committees. This
resolution is a companion to the proposed revision to the university
senate bylaws that the section on administrative committees be removed,
and is intended to promote transparency and access to the decision
making process. Craig agreed to incorporate the suggestions regarding
the language into another draft that could be reviewed at the next joint
meeting (Th, Mar 20, 2008)
- Each of the committee chairs present
shared information about his/her respective committee; the details
of which are provided in the other committee reports given at the
February 25, 2008 University Senate meeting.
- Steering Items
the Faculty Bylaws to the Faculty Affairs Policy Committee (FAPC)
for review
discussed the confidentiality in evaluation issue briefly,
agreeing that the proposal involves both policy and procedural matters,
ultimately concluding that additional information is required before making any
recommendations on this matter and agreeing that this conversation should
continue at the March 20 joint meeting.
- finalized the tentative agenda for the next
meeting of the executive committee. This meeting will be an elected
faculty workshop on February 21, 2008 in Arts & Sciences 1-16.
- On February 21, 2008,
the elected faculty of the Executive Committee met and
- received a report from Dr. Douglas Going on the
at-large faculty senator election. There were some invalid email
addresses noted and corrected during the distribution of the electronic
ballot, and the access to the ballot closes Th Feb 21 at 11 p.m.
- discussed the electronic suggestion box.
The discussion on this matter will continue at the Feb 28 elected
faculty workshop. The issues discussed were
modifications to the submission acknowledgment message to more clearly
communicate with the individual submitting a suggestion.
the creation of an electronic archive of the suggestions including
documentation of the actions and any responses resulting from these suggestions,
and making this electronic archive available to all that can access the
suggestion box. This archive could be one means by which to close the
information loop with an individual electing to anonymously submit a suggestion.
consideration that the University Senate Graduate Assistant could help
maintain this archive
- discussed briefly a plan for preparing the
comprehensive annual report for the 2007-2008 Executive Committee
agreeing to bring the report template to the next meeting (Feb 28) and
discuss how to split the responsibility for the preparation of the
report among elected faculty members.
- agreed that all elected faculty members of the
committee should consider the necessity for updates to the committee
checklists for the recurring issue(s) for which (s)he served as
point person
- reviewed drafts of operational definitions
of the terms concern, practice, guideline, exhibit, procedure,
resolution, and information culminating with general agreement on
statements of a definition for each term. Craig agreed to incorporate
the revisions from the discussion into a draft for review at the next
meeting (Feb 28).
- The next meeting of the Executive Committee is
an elected faculty workshop scheduled for Thursday, February 28, 2008 from
9:30-10:45 in the Arts & Sciences 1-16.