Executive Committee Report
given at the Nov 26, 2007 University
Senate Meeting
Steering Committee of the University Senate and
Faculty Advisory Committee to the University President
Members: President
Leland, Vice President Gormly, Doug Goings (SoB), Bill Richards (Library)
Officers: Secretary:
Chris Greer (SoE), Vice-Chair: Kendra Russell (SoHS), Chair: Craig Turner (SoLAS)
SUMMARY (an approximation to what was shared orally at the
November 26 University Senate meeting)
- Since the October 29, 2007 meeting of the 2007-08
University Senate, ECUS held two elected faculty workshops
(Nov 1, Nov 8), and one joint meeting
with the Standing Committee Chairs (Nov 15).
- Our standing weekly meeting time is Thursday
from 9:30-10:45 for Fall 2007, and to be determined for Spring 2008.
- Informational
- Faculty Governance Coordination
- North Georgia College and State University faculty governance leaders
hosted a meeting on Friday November 9, 2007 from 10 am to 3 pm This meeting was
intended for faculty governance leaders at the twelve senior colleges in the University System of Georgia that
have about the same size and did focus on the exchange of information on best
practices. Five of these twelve institutions were represented at the meeting
and discussions centered on governance issues. Craig Turner was the
representative for GCSU at this
meeting. His notes for
talking points at the meeting and his notes
taken at the meeting are accessible on the University Senate
- Faculty governance leaders at Clayton State
University are hosting a shared governance coordination meeting for
faculty governance leaders at all university system schools during
Spring 2008. Although the agenda for this meeting is still in the planning stages,
the date has now been finalized as Friday March 14, 2008.
Additional information regarding this meeting will be shared as it
becomes available.
- Governance Retreat Planning Committee (GRPC)
- the invitation to University Senators to join
the GRPC extended at the Oct 2007 meeting did not enlarge the committee (no
volunteers were identified)
- the membership is Bill Richards (chair), Craig
Turner, Todd Shiver, Carol Ormond, and Karen Higgs and
- the GRPC will have its
organizational meeting on Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. in Arts & Sciences
- In the Books (work which is complete)
- finalized the agenda for
the November 26, 2007 University Senate meeting
- exercised our oversight responsibility for
elected faculty senator positions, each elected faculty member on
the Executive Committee has met with his/her
respective dean to share information and University Senate Bylaws
requirements pertaining to elected faculty positions. The
letter to the Deans
supporting documents are accessible
on the elections web page.
- met with Standing Committee Chairs on November 15
to share information and coordinate agendas for November 30, 2007 and
January 11, 2008 standing committee meetings.
- oversaw the transition of the online motion
database to support the new committee structure, which was completed
on Monday November 12. I would like to acknowledge in particular the
efforts of Jay Lancaster of Web Enabled Resources, for completing this
work, primarily on his own time. Jay Lancaster has been involved in the
programming of this archival tool since its inception as a project for a
one hour graduate course he completed with Dr. Harry Glover.
- shifted the organizational meeting time of
2008-2009 University Senate committees from Monday April 28 to
Wednesday April 30 (a READING DAY on the academic calendar). The
primary reason for this shift is to allow more time to alert standing committee members
of this meeting, noting that these committee memberships are not
final until endorsed by the 2008-09 University Senate at its
organizational meeting on Friday Apr 25, 2008.
- drafted a set of
meeting etiquette guidelines
for University Senate consideration. This set of guidelines was developed in six
drafts, endorsed by the attendees of the joint meeting of standing
committee chairs and executive committee on Nov 15, is linked to the
University Senate meeting agenda for today's (Nov 26, 2007) meeting, and
will be presented to you by Bill Richards at the conclusion of this
Executive Committee report.
- In Progress (work which is ongoing)
- drafting a governance calendar for the
2008-2009 academic year. The governance calendar assigns five
meeting types (department, school, school
committee, University Senate and University Senate standing committee)
to a common meeting time (12:30-1:45
Monday or Friday) for each month. Draft four of the calendar was
reviewed at the Nov 15 joint meeting of ECUS and standing committee
chairs. This calendar has undergone reviews at four recent meetings,
two elected faculty workshops (Sep 27, Oct 4) and two with Standing
Committee Chairs (Oct 25, Nov 15).
- drafting both format and contents of a myCATS
University Senate tab. For a brief history on this matter see the
October 2007 ECUS
report. Still in development is providing support of this tab to
the student user group within myCATS.
- exercising our oversight responsibility for
- elected faculty senators (election procedures
from schools and library due December 1)
- elected staff senators (seeking guidance from
Staff Council regarding bylaws language for staff positions on
University Senate and election procedure due by December 1),
- selected student senators (received feedback
from Student Government Association leaders proposing University
Senate Bylaws revisions to the timeline for the naming of student
representatives to the University Senate to align better with the
election calendar of SGA officers. The proposed change allows SGA
officers to determine and implement the selection process for the
individual students holding student positions on the University
Senate and SAPC and RPIPC that would serve the same academic year
that these SGA officers hold their positions.)
- reviewing proposed University Senate Bylaws
revisions including
- aligning the calendar of selected students on
University Senate with SGA calendar
- informing the calendar of elected staff on
University Senate with Staff Council preferences
- reducing from two to one the number of
organizational meeting of committees and electing all three officers
(chair, vice-chair, secretary) in April/May
- introducing a formal resignation procedure for
University Senators and committee members
- revising the structure of the University
Senate with respect to the six Presidential Appointees. At present,
the proposed revision is that (a) the number of Presidential
Appointees to the University Senate be reduced from six to five (b)
these five appointees be the Presidential appointees to the five
standing committees (APC, CAPC, FAPC,
RPIPC, and SAPC) and (c) the sixth Presidential appointee become instead a
thirty-seventh elected faculty senator and be realized as a third
university at-large elected faculty senator.
- still under consideration is a proposal to
remove the section on administrative committees from the bylaws and
submit for University Senate consideration a resolution proposing the
creation of a university-wide committee registry that would provide
information such as membership rosters, charge, and meeting minutes
of committees to those affected by the work of the respective
committee. The primary goal is to continue to support
the ideals of transparency in decision-making as well as access to
the information relevant to the deliberations within the
decision-making process.
- Steering: (No steering items were
considered during November 2007)
- The next meeting of the Executive Committee is
an elected faculty workshop scheduled for Thursday, November 29, 2007 from
9:30-10:45 in the President’s Conference Room.
- It is now my pleasure to invite Mr. Bill Richards to
come to the front of the room and provide you a report on meeting etiquette guidelines.
DETAILS (providing
more comprehensive information for each of the individual committee meetings)
- Since the October 29, 2007 meeting of the 2007-08
University Senate, ECUS held two elected faculty workshops
(Nov 1, Nov 8), and one joint meeting
with the Standing Committee Chairs (Nov 15).
- Throughout this report, the
following acronyms may be used.
- Academic Policy Committee (APC)
- Curriculum and Assessment Policy Committee
- Executive Committee of the University Senate
- Faculty Affairs Policy Committee (FAPC)
- Governance Retreat Planning Committee (GRPC)
- Resources, Planning, and Institutional
Policy Committee (RPIPC)
- Standing Committee Chairs (SCC)
- Student Affairs Policy Committee (SAPC)
- SubCommittee on Nominations (SCoN)
- University Senate (US)
- On November 1, 2007,
the elected faculty members of the Executive Committee (ECUS) met and
- prepared information to support the
tentative agenda items for the best practices workshop. Faculty
governance leaders at North Georgia College and State University are
hosting a meeting on Fri Nov 9 for coordination (sharing information and
best practices) among faculty governance organizations at twelve
universities (senior colleges of approximately the same size) within the
University System of Georgia. Craig and Bill are planning to attend
this workshop to represent GCSU. Craig agreed to prepare a draft of
notes to summarize this discussion for review at the Nov 8 meeting.
Also given was a reminder that senate leaders at Clayton State
University are proposing a meeting in Spring 2008 for coordination among
the faculty governance organizations at all institutions within the
University System of Georgia.
- discussed proposed University Senate bylaws
changes, specifically
a draft resignation procedure for individuals to resign from University
Senate or one of its committees. Kendra agreed to prepare another draft for
review at the Nov 8 meeting.
the Presidential Appointees issue (five Presidential appointee positions
on committees but six Presidential Appointees to the University Senate). This
discussion led to a proposal that (a) the number of Presidential Appointees to
the University Senate be reduced from six to five (b) these five appointees be
the Presidential appointees to the five standing committees (APC, CAPC, FAPC,
RPIPC, and SAPC) and (c) the sixth Presidential appointee become instead a
thirty-seventh elected faculty senator and be realized as a third university
at-large elected faculty senator. Craig agreed to prepare a draft of this for
review at the Nov 8 meeting.
- On November 8, 2007,
the elected faculty of the Executive Committee met and
- reviewed the progress of the executive committee
on the academic year noting that all items are in progress and on
schedule. A reminder of the point persons for annually recurring
committee tasks was distributed including the timeline during which the
task should be completed. Noted that the at-large election work
(preparing a process and an election implementation plan) should begin
soon and that the organizational meeting of the Governance Retreat
Planning Committee should be held (if possible) during the Fall 2007
- reviewed the
draft of the summary information for the shared governance
coordination workshop at North Georgia College and State University on
Fri Nov 9. Craig and Bill were still planning to make the trip. Craig
agreed to incorporate the proposed revisions into the version he would
take to the meeting.
- finalized the tentative agenda for
the joint meeting of executive committee and standing committee chairs
scheduled for November 15.
- discussed proposed University Senate Bylaws
revisions including
the second draft of a resignation procedure formalizing the process for
an individual University Senator to resign his/her position on the University
Senate including the committee on which he/she serves or for a non-Senator to
resign his/her position from a University Senate Committee. Several suggestions
were made including
notification of resignation should (1) be in writing (2) ideally
originate from the individual resigning and (3) be sent directly to the Chair
of the SubCommittee on Nominations (SCoN)
theChair of SCoN would (1) inform the SCoN membership of the resignation
and (2) arrange for a replacement to be named in the same manner of the original
election, selection or appointment.
Kendra agreed to incorporate the suggestions to the draft and prepare a
new version for review at a future elected faculty workshop.
noted that adjustments to the Elected Staff Senators section would be
postponed pending the results of the ongoing discussion regarding this matter
within Staff Council.
noted that the adjustments to Selected Student Senators section are
informed by the Student Government Association (SGA) and involve
adjusting the calendar for submission of the procedure and selection
results to support the preferences of SGA as well as align better with the SGA
officer election calendar. The selection process, eligibility criteria, and
results are proposed to be due on March 31 rather than the current deadlines of
Dec 1 for procedure and Feb 1 for results.
broadening the term “bylaws” to “governance documents” as some of the
details are housed in the SGA constitution rather than SGA bylaws.
began discussion of the Administrative Committee issue, and agreed that
the Executive Committee should get out of the business of registering
administrative committees. Tentatively proposed the deletion of the
administrative committee section of the bylaws and that a companion resolution
promoting a university-wide committee registry to promote transparency and
access be simultaneously submitted as a resolution for University Senate
consideration. Craig agreed to attempt to capture the discussion in a draft
that would be reviewed at a future elected faculty workshop.
- On November 15, 2007,
the Executive Committee met jointly with Standing Committee Chairs and
- Received informational updates from President
Leland on the following topics:
- Budget for 2008-09 Academic Year:
- USG guidance has been
available for about three weeks,
- institutional budget hearings were held (last week of
- strong ties between funding and the six part strategic plan of the
University System of Georgia,
- our shadow budget (budget developed in the USG
office) is very encouraging, and
- the final version of our budget proposal to the
USG is due in a few days.
- Received informational updates from Craig Turner
on the following
- University Senate tab in myCATS: where there is no change
(still in development is supporting access to this tab for the student user
group within myCATS).
- online motion database: has now been updated to support the
new committee structure (APC, CAPC, FAPC, RPIPC, SAPC). The five motions for
the upcoming University Senate meeting have been entered into this archival
- faculty governance coordination within the University System:
- North Georgia College and State University faculty
governance leaders hosted a meeting on Friday November 9 from 10
am to 3 pm This meeting was intended for faculty
governance leaders at the twelve senior colleges in the University System of Georgia that
have about the same size and did focus on the exchange of information on best
practices. Five of these twelve institutions were represented at the meeting
and discussions centered on governance issues. Craig Turner was the
representative for GCSU at this
meeting. His notes for
talking points at the meeting and his notes
taken at the meeting are accessible on the University Senate
- Faculty governance leaders at Clayton State University are hosting a coordination meeting of faculty governance organizations at all
institutions in the University System of Georgia during the Spring 2008
semester. At this point, the date of the meeting is now set for Friday March
14, 2008. Additional information will be shared as it becomes available.
- Spring 2008 ECUS meeting scheduling including the joint meetings
of ECUS with Standing Committee Chairs (SCC). Each SCC and elected faculty ECUS
member was requested to provide their Spring 2008 schedule to Craig by email to
inform the scheduling of these meeting times.
- received an update on the Governance Retreat Planning Committee (GRPC)
from Bill Richards, noting that (a) the invitation to University Senators to
join the GRPC extended at the Oct 2007 meeting did not enlarge the committee (no
volunteers were identified) (b) the membership is Bill Richards (chair), Craig
Turner, Todd Shiver, Carol Ormond, and Karen Higgs and (c) the GRPC will have an
organizational meeting in 2007.
- finalized the agenda for the University Senate
meeting scheduled
for November 26, 2007, There was consensus that the University Senate should
attend to the disposition of business in favor of receiving informational
reports. To support this agreement, reports of committees that have submitted
motions for consideration will be delivered to the University Senate prior to
reports of the committees that have not submitted motions. Also given was a
reminder that a report with motions should culminate with the motions, and that
consideration by the University Senate of each such motion should be prefaced by
a summary of committee deliberation that led to that motion provided by the
relevant committee chair.
- Each of the chairs present shared information about his/her respective
committee; the details of which are provided in the other committee reports
given at the November 26, 2007 University Senate meeting.
- reviewed the most current draft of the 2008-2009 Governance Calendar.
Chris Greer will incorporate the clarifications offered into what will likely be
the final draft of the calendar, which may be reviewed by department chairs and
deans before being finalized.
- the Governance Calendar for 2007-08 was discussed noting that the
2008-09 University Senate Organizational Meeting (at which committee memberships
for 2008-09 will be finalized) and the 2008-09 Committees Organizational
Meetings (at which officers of 2008-2009 committees will likely be elected) are
separated by only three days (a weekend). There was consensus that there needs
to be more time between these two meetings. This resulted in agreement to shift
the committee organizational meeting time from Monday April 28, 2008 to
Wednesday April 30, 2008. Craig will make this change to the governance
- discussed the
Meeting Etiquette
Guidelines which included (primarily for humor) the addition of Marquess
of Queensbury rules to the existing guidelines. There was consensus that this
draft of the meeting etiquette guidelines should be brought to the University
Senate for consideration at its November 2007 meeting if possible. This item
will be considered as a sub-report of the ECUS report and delivered by Bill
- discussion that standing committees consider reviewing their
respective committee scope and composition in the University Senate Bylaws
to determine if there is need for any revision to either. It was mentioned that
there has been a great deal of change in the university governance structure
over the past five years and that committees should consider carefully any
proposed changes. It might be desirable to have stability in the governance
- requested feedback regarding the Presidential Appointees issue
(six on University Senate but only five positions of this kind in the committee
structure). A proposal by the elected faculty of ECUS to redistribute the six
Presidential Appointees positions was provided for review. The proposal
reallocates these positions as follows: (a) five of the six Presidential
Appointee Senator positions will be identified with the five Presidential
Appointees to committees, one to each standing committee (APC, CAPC, FAPC, RPIPC,
SAPC) and (b) the sixth Presidential Appointee Senator position will be
redirected and become a 37th elected faculty senator (and be the third
at-large elected faculty senator position). After some
clarification and discussion, there was general consensus to support the
proposal as presented.
The next meeting of the Executive Committee is
an elected faculty workshop scheduled for Thursday, November 29, 2007 from
9:30-10:45 in the President’s Conference Room.