SubCommittee on Nominations (SCoN) Report
given to the University Senate on September 24, 2007
submitted by Doug Goings

Due to the resignation of Lynn Waits from Georgia College & State University, a vacancy on the Academic Policy Committee (APC) was introduced. This vacancy is a non-Senator position and was filled by a corps of instruction faculty member (in this case Lynn Waits) from the School of Health Sciences (SoHS).  The SoHS nominated a replacement (in this case Dean Baker) and this individual was unanimously endorsed by the SubCommittee on Nominations (SCoN).


On behalf of SCoN, I hereby submit the following motion for your consideration:

0708.CN.001.O (US Committee Replacement)
MOTION TEXT: To make the following change to the membership of the Academic Policy Committee effective 09-24-07: Dean Baker to replace Lynn Waits.


Note that as the membership of the SubCommittee on Nominations includes more than two University Senators, no second is required for this motion.