Curriculum and Assessment Policy Committee (CAPC)
given at the August 27, 2007 University Senate meeting
submitted by Deborah Vess
Meeting Summary: August 24, 2006
12:30 A&S 2-16
The CAPC elected Donovan Domingue as Vice Chair and John Swinton as Secretary at our first meeting of the year.
We reviewed the motions that were passed by the Academic Governance Committee (AGC) last year (2006-07) and the CAPC committee charge.
We discussed the issue of the presidential appointee, still missing from the committee until either the IR (Institutional Research) or IE (Institutional Effectiveness) position is filled. Committee members agreed that a temporary appointment of a faculty member or member of the IR staff with expertise in assessment and access to data would be useful to the committee.
In May 2007, we had determined that we’d like to disseminate information to the university community about assessment and curriculum issues, and in that vein, we discussed the proposal for a new general education curriculum, provisionally passed by the senate and contingent upon approval of the implementation plan being developed by the general education implementation plan committee. Committee members wanted to spend some time reviewing the proposal for the new gen ed curriculum so as to provide their constituents with better information. CAPC also wants to review and offer input on drafts of the gen ed implementation plan. Since Dr. Vess is a member of both committees, it was agreed that this is what CAPC would focus on over the next few meetings.