Budget and Planning Committee Report

Intended for the November 27, 2006 University Senate meeting (but time ran out)

Submitted by Dr. Richard Mercier

November 3, 2006 meeting

We started the meeting with a lively discussion about the President’s 2007/2008 budget proposal which led to a discussion of the role of Budget & Planning in the process.  Concern was stated that we were only informed of the budget after everything had been worked out, effectively making the committee a rubber stamp for the upper administration.  Can something be done about this? Could we become part of the process in the earliest stages?  Since it is too late to do anything about the 07/08 budget we should be looking towards the 08/09 budget.  It was suggested that I meet with Bob Haney to get more information on timelines and processes for the next budget so we may participate next semester in the strategic focusing process that informs the budget process.  However after my report earlier this month at a SOLAS meeting I spoke with President Leland who was present for that report.  As a result President Leland and I will meet to discuss this further before proceeding.

We then discussed the draft definition of POLICY proposed by ECUS. (DRAFT: A policy is a statement that governs the conduct of the University Community or a general principle that guides University affairs.)

Karynne Kleine discussed the letter from The Ad Hoc Council of Academic Councils of the University System of Georgia to Governor Perdue, Chancellor Davis, the Board of Regents and the Presidents of the schools in the University System of Georgia.  She suggested that the Budget & Planning Committee draft a similar statement to express their views and concerns on the cut to the ORP contributions. Since we do not have another regularly scheduled meeting before January we have been communicating through email but due to the holiday participation has been limited.

Next we reviewed the proposed new committee structure, noting particularly the changed name (Budget, Planning, and Institutional Policy Committee – which includes parking!).  Several members expressed concern that in future B&P or BPIPC as it will be called would have few elected senators among its members.  Having 3 year senate and committee terms was also sighted as a plus for this committee where it takes a year to figure out how the committee operates.  The longer terms would help members be more productive and provide for better continuity.

We briefly examined the proposed Governance Calendar for 07/08, reviewed the list of lab/course fees and proposed increases for next year.

Doug Oetter gave us an update on the energy study before we adjourned.