University Services Committee Report
Given to the University Senate on October 30, 2006
Submitted by Dr. Ken McGill
Kyle Cullars and Greg Brown presented some data on lot usage to the University Services Committee, and they felt the parking plan was a great success. Both also felt that the plan could use some tweaking, but it would be best to not change the plan until the fall of 2007.
Richards distributed a document detailing the historical background of
the library budget and expenses. The document contained a table showing
the per-student expenditure of COPLAC schools showing GCSU at the bottom
of the list. Various fee structures were presented that would impact
the library support expenditures
Find the necessary funds ($390,000) in the
university budget to bring our funding up to the mean ($150.64 per
student) of our COPLAC sample.
Charge a university wide mandatory Library
Fee ($37 per semester).
Increase the technology fee ($37 per
semester) and identify a specific portion of the technology fee for the
Charge a departmental Library Fee (Amount
determined by departmental committees) to purchase collections specific
to the department discipline.