August 29, 2005
University Senate Meeting
President’s Report
submitted by President Leland
I want to begin by thanking you for your willingness to serve on the University Senate. By university statute, the Senate is the policy recommending body of the university and thus it plays an extremely important role in shaping the future of this fine university.
My hope for the University Senate is that we can focus at least as much on preventing bad policy as creating good policy. Good policy should promote outcomes that we want to achieve without being unnecessarily complex or restrictive. We can’t reliably create good policy without considering the goals we want the policy to achieve, looking carefully at alternative means for achieving these goals, and considering the impact and feasibility of policy proposals.
The University Senate also deliberates on a number of matters that lie outside of the policy arena. Perhaps none of these are more important than budget, planning and curricular decisions that transcend the purview of departments and schools. This year, we will be implementing a new process with respect to our annual budget proposal to the Board of Regents that will bring greater transparency to our decision-making. We will also be initiating a two-year strategic focusing process with a special emphasis on institutional distinctiveness and distinction. I am excited about the potential positive benefits of both of these new processes and invite you to actively participate in them.
There are other important matters that will come before you this year. For example, we need to solve the parking problem, reconsider the criteria we use to award academic honors, and make progress on our review and possible revision of the general education program.
As senators, you will need to consult often with your constituencies so that they are aware of the important matters that come before the Senate and are able to provide you, as their representatives, with appropriate feedback and input. Improving internal communication across the university is one of my goals this year, and I hope that you will join me in making this a University Senate goal as well.
I look forward to another productive governance year. Thank you for your participation, thoughtfulness, and service.