President’s Report
University Senate

January 31, 2005 meeting

submitted by President Leland

1.         Introductory Remarks


This is my one-year anniversary as the presiding officer of the University Senate.  Although the Senate has experienced some moments of contention and confusion, for the most part it is functioning extraordinarily well as the university’s official policy recommending body.  I believe that governance is alive and thriving here, and I thank you and your colleagues on the Executive Committee for this success.


Two of the things that university presidents consistently hear are concerns regarding decision-making and communication.  The management of an institution that resembles a small city demands a myriad of daily actions.  The challenge is to determine which of those actions should be communicated beyond the affected area and which need broader input.   The University Senate bylaws are fairly clear about the sorts of matters that need to be vetted through the governance process.  But there are grey areas, and some matters that lie outside the governance process also warrant broad community input and effective communication.


This past semester, we have sought to enhance communication by posting information about significant institutional initiatives on the INFO Page and by hosting forums open to the campus community.  But from your vantage point, there may be additional ways in which you think communication and collaboration can be improved.  There is no penalty for providing suggestions:  all of us have a vested interest in building and sustaining appropriate deliberative and communicative processes!


2.         Highlights of Governor’s FY ’06 Budget Recommendation

 3.         Campus Master Plan

 4.         Strategic Planning