Subject:                                 University Senate Meeting Report

Date:                                      29 November 2004

Committee:                           Executive Committee

Submitted by:                       Dr. Betty A. Block, Chair


The Executive Committee named and contacted the Committee on Nominations to replace elected Senators on the University Senate and Standing Committees. 


Last year, the President sponsored a Senate Retreat for the purpose of sharing information and identifying future directions. 


There is an area of concern that the Executive Committee and Standing Chairs have regarding attendance at meetings. 

·         First, every Senator is expected to attend meetings and represent his or her constituents at those meetings. 

·         A review of attendance lists of Standing Committee meetings revealed that some of the committees could not conduct business because there was not a quorum present. 

·         The Executive Committee recommends (and the Bylaws state) that if there is a question regarding committee operations with regard to attendance, refer to Robert’s Rules and clearly state the committee’s procedure for conducting business based on the guidelines given in the Rules. 

·         Each Standing, Ad hoc, or Subcommittee should have a clearly defined operating procedure on file with the Executive Committee. 

·         Please make every effort to support the work of your committee.  We fought for so long to have the opportunity to share in our own governance.  Know that your voice is heard and your presence is valued.


The Executive Committee has one motion to bring forward at this time. 


The Statutes and Bylaws Team has a report at this time, JW Good, the Chair of that group will come forward to give an update of their work and future plans.