Sorry about the late reply, I spoke with President Ahrens
yesterday about it because I was slightly confused. I thought
there was some other process that I didn't know about, but here
is everything.
Following are the procedure requirements for the appointment
of student senators to the 2017-2018 University Senate:
1)Eligibility requirements for serving on the SGA, as
found within the Student Government Constitution,
Article III:
SECTION C: Qualifications
1. Any enrolled student at Georgia College & State
University with a cumulative grade point average of 2.75
or higher, and in good academic standing, shall be
eligible to run for election or be appointed to the
Senate. If a senator’s GPA falls below the requirement,
he or she shall be automatically removed from office at
the end of the current academic semester.
2. If any senator should fall into poor judicial
standing with the university, they shall be subject to a
mandatory hearing with the Student Judicial Board. The
Judicial Board will have the authority to remove any
senator who the justices deem unfit to hold office, due
to his or her judicial standing, by way of a simple
majority vote.
2) The selection procedure was completed through
appointments by the President-Elect of Georgia College
SGA whom meet the requirements as previously stated.
3) Following are the names of the students selected in
compliance with the previous eligibility requirements
and procedure:
Student Senator 1: Altimease Lowe
Student Senator 2: Mike Muller
SGA Appointee to SAPC: Austin Hughes
SGA Appointee to RIPIPC: Sarah Smith
Again, I am sorry for the late reply; if there is
anything else needed, please let me know.