From: GC University Senate List <US@LIST.GCSU.EDU> on behalf of Catherine Whelan <catherine.whelan@GCSU.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 4:14 PM
Subject: Call for NOMINATIONS for At-large Elected Faculty Senator Position

Please encourage faculty to nominate for this position. It would be great to have a ballot with representatives from all four colleges and the library.


Call for NOMINATIONS for At-large Elected Faculty Senator Position


Membership of the University Senate includes three elected faculty senator positions designated as at-large elected faculty senator positions representing the entire membership of the Corps of Instruction. Each position is for a three year term with service staggered such that an election for one at-large senator position is required each year. This year’s election will identify an individual to serve as the at-large elected faculty senator for a three year term commencing April 26, 2013.


To be eligible to serve in this position an individual must be a member of the Corps of Instruction and have completed at least two years of service by the start of the Senate term on April 26, 2013. For most faculty this will mean that they are currently in at least their third year of service at Georgia College.


Nominations should be sent to

Nominations close - February 14, 2013 at 5:00 p.m.


Nominated faculty will then be contacted to ensure they accept the nomination before being placed on the ballot.

The election will be held the week of Feb 18-21 via a password protected electronic vote.

Election Results will be announced to the University community no later than March 1, 2013.