At-large-Senate Election Process Spring 2010
Prepared by the Executive Committee of the University Senate
Term begins April 23rd 2010 (Spring Organizational Meeting)
Term ends Spring 2013
Call for Nominations
Nominations open Friday February 5th
Nominations close Friday February 12th
Send nominations to Carol Dean Baker
Nominated faculty must accept his or her nomination in order to be placed on
the ballot
Eligibility to Vote
is determined from the Corps of Instruction counted in the
apportionment of Senators
Voting Method
Electronic Ballot
The faculty person receiving the most votes will be declared the At-Large
Voting Dates
Opens Wednesday, February 17th
Closes Wednesday, February 24th
In the event of a tie, the winner will be selected through a
run-off election.
Runoff Election
Opens Thursday February 25th
Closed Sunday February 28th
Announcement of Election Results
no later than March 1