From: Ken Procter <>
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2008 09:31:14 -0500
To: Deborah Vess <>
Subject: FW: <no subject>
In response to your request for a description of the process that will be
used in SoLAS for senatorial elections, last year, Mike Digby wrote:
The following policy was adopted by the faculty of the School of Liberal
Arts & Sciences in the spring of 2006. The Dean’s Faculty Advisory Council,
composed of an elected representative from each department and charged with
“making specific recommendations about policies and procedures to the dean
on behalf of the faculty” (SoLAS By-Laws), affirmed the continuation of this
policy at its meeting on October 17, 2007.
The School of Liberal Arts & Sciences apportions Senate seats to departments
based on the counts of department faculty from the Corps of Instruction list
used for University Senate apportionment. Every department in the School of
Liberal Arts & Sciences will be entitled to at least one University Senate
seat, assuming the school's total number of seats is at least equal to
number of departments. Additional seats will be apportioned among the
departments in the School of Liberal Arts & Sciences in accordance with the
allocation procedure used by the University Senate.
Using this process, the following departmental allocations have been made
for the relevant time period:
Art: 1 senator
Biology & Environmental Sciences: 2 senators Chemistry & Physics: 1
senator English, Speech, & Journalism: 3 senators Government & Sociology:
3 senators History, Geography & Philosophy: 2 senators
Mathematics: 2 senators
Modern Foreign Languages: 1 senator
Music & Theatre: 2 senators
Psychology: 1 senator
Furthermore, the email, below outlines the current apportionment of seats
during the transition from 2-year to 3-year terms. This was presented to
chairs as a proposal and approved at our 10-21-08 meeting.
The attachments to this email are the background information that you sent
to me for reference on this whole process.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Procter []
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 2:55 PM
To: 'Ann Portwood'; 'Bill Fisher'; 'Bill Wall'; 'Bob Wilson'; 'Elaine
Whitaker'; 'Jason Huffman'; 'Karen Berman'; 'Ken McGill'; 'Ken Procter';
'Lee Gillis'; 'Martha Allen'; 'Mary Jean Land'; 'Mike Digby'; 'Olufunke
Fontenot'; 'Roger Noel'; 'Stephen Auerbach'; 'Sunita Manian'; 'Terri Pope';
'Todd Shiver'
Subject: FW: <no subject>
The faculty must elect new senators as charged in the attached
correspondence from Deborah Vess, and as copied immediately below, points
1. Members of the faculty determine the election procedure for senators
representing their school and the library.
A. Elections must be by secret ballot after open nominations;
B. Only faculty members who are included on the Corps of
Instruction list used to determine apportionment in the fall
of 2008 are eligible to be nominated/elected as a university senator;
C. Faculty members must have completed two years of service to the
institution at the time they take office as university
D. Only those faculty who are members of the Corps of
Instruction are eligible to vote in faculty senatorial elections.
2. Notification of the election procedure used in the schools and the
library shall be shared with the
Executive Committee of the University Senate via email
( by December 1,
3. Election results and notification that the school's/library's
election procedure was followed shall be shared with the
Executive Committee via email by February 1, 2009.
To make the transition from the old terms to the new terms and to keep
staggered terms intact (per Deborah):
The number of apportioned senators to be elected to two-year terms in your
unit is:3 The number of apportioned senators to be elected to three-year
terms in your unit is:5
To aid in determining which of the above seats should be 2-year, and which
should be 3-year, here is a list of continuing senators.
2-year terms (08-10)
Ryan Brown Math
Amy Burt Eng/Spch/Journ
Beate Czogalla Mus/Thea
Melanie DeVore Bio
Ken McGill Chem/Phys
Mike Rose Psych
Robert Viau Eng/Spch/Journ
Cliton Wilkinson, Jr. Gov/Soc
3-year terms (08-11)
Sara Doude Gov/Soc
Macon McGinley Eng/Spch/Journ
Senators whose terms expire in 2008-2009, and a proposed (by the dean base
more or less on the assignments above) reassignment of terms for the next
Andrei Barkovskii (2007-2009) Bio reassign as 3-year term
Hedwig Fraunhofer (2007-2009) MFL 2-year term
Jennifer Hammack (2007-2009) Gov/Soc 2-year term
Sang-Wook Lee (2007-2009) Art 3-year term
Doug Oetter (2007-2009) Hist/Geog/Phil 2-year term
William Risch (2007-2009) Hist/Geog/Phil 3-year term
Todd Shiver (2007-2009) Mus/Thea 3-year term
Craig Turner (2007-2009) Math 3-year term
Will this proposed reassignment work for the transition period?
For discussion (brief, I hope) at our next chair meeting.
------ End of Forwarded Message