Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2008 16:53:08 -0500
From: Craig Turner <>
Subject: FYI: Elected Faculty Positions on University Senate  

The results of school and library elections for incoming elected faculty senator positions on the University Senate are provided below.
The terms of service for these elected faculty positions is in transition from two to three year terms.  There are thirty-six elected faculty positions on the University Senate.  With two year terms about half (18 elected faculty senators) end their terms each year.  With the three year terms about a third (12 elected faculty senators) will end their terms each year.  To make this transition requires a combination of two and three year terms be assigned to the incoming elected faculty senators positions filled during the elections occuring in 2007-2008 and 2008-2009.  Beginning in 2009-2010, all incoming elected faculty senators will be assigned  three year terms of service.

Congratulations to the 17 Incoming Elected Faculty Senators

Note: The terms of service for the newly elected faculty senators listed below are either two or three years as specified, and all these terms of service begin with the organizational meeting of the 2008-2009 University Senate scheduled for 12:30 to 1:45 on Friday April 25, 2008 in Arts & Sciences 2-72.

School of Business (2 senators) School of Education (2 senators)  School of Health Sciences (2 senators)  School of Liberal Arts and Sciences (10 senators) Library (1 Senator) For more information about University Senate Elections,  point your browser to

To see thall the results and those elected faculty senators that are continuing their 2007-2009 terms, point your browser to

The University Senator Database is an tool providing access to comprehensive membership rosters for the University Senate and its committees.  These newly elected University Senators have been entered into this database which is available at