2006-2007 University Senators indicating Terms of Service

SoB  (47 Faculty, 5 apportioned) Number of Senators to Elect For Two Year Terms:  Three (3)

(To Be Replaced) University Senators with term expiring at the end of the 2006-2007 academic year:

                J. J. Arias

                Jan Flynn

                Tanya Goette

(Continuing) University Senators with a term continuing through the end of the 2007-2008 academic year

                Tom Moore         

                 J. F. Yao


SoE (46 Faculty, 5 apportioned) Number of Senators to Elect For Two Year Terms:  Three (3)

(To Be Replaced) University Senators with term expiring at the end of the 2006-2007 academic year:

                Paige Campbell

                Bee Crews

                Karynne Kleine               

(Continuing) University Senators with a term continuing through the end of the 2007-2008 academic year

                J.J. Hayden

                Tish Seay


SoHS (36 Faculty, 4 Senators apportioned) Number of Senators to Elect For Two Year Terms:  Two (2)

(To Be Replaced) University Senators with term expiring at the end of the 2006-2007 academic year:

                Betty Block

                Marjorie Johnson

(Continuing) University Senators with a term continuing through the end of the 2007-2008 academic year

                 Mike Martino

                 Kendra Russell


SoLAS (163 Faculty, 18 Senators apportioned) Number of Senators to Elect For Two Year Terms:  Eight (8)

(To Be Replaced) University Senators with term expiring at the end of the 2006-2007 academic year:

Valerie Aranda

John Fair

Gerald Fisher

Mike Gleason

Richard Mercier

Roger Noel

Doug Oetter

Craig Turner

(Continuing) University Senators with a term continuing through the end of the 2007-2008 academic year

Ginger Carter Miller

Sandra Godwin

Jan Hoffmann

Ken McGill

Kathleen McGeever

Rob Viau

Janet Shiver

Bill Wall 

Noland White

Cliff Wilkinson


LIB/GD  (14  faculty, 2 Senators apportioned)  Number of Senators to Elect For Two Year Terms:  One (1)

To Be Replaced:  Christine Zuger                                      Continuing:  Bill Richards

AT-LARGE (306 faculty, 2 at-large positions)  Number of Senators to Elect For Two Year Terms One (1)

To Be Replaced:  Autumn Grubb                                       Continuing:  Lee Gillis