To: School and Library Deans
From: The Executive Committee of the University Senate
Date: September 2006
Re: Election of University Senators with 2007-2009 terms
It is time to consider the election of University Senators within your school. As School Dean, you are responsible for the disposition of the following:
(1) Faculty determine the election procedure for University Senators representing the school.
Note: University Senate Bylaws require
(A) a secret ballot after open nominations.
(B) the eligibility requirements to serve as an elected faculty senator are
(i) on the Corps of Instruction list used to determine apportionment
(ii) the completion of two years of service at the time (s)he takes office.
(C) eligibility to vote is membership in the Corps of Instruction
(2) An email is sent to no later than December 1, 2006 providing the:election procedure to be used in your school.
(3) The school election procedure is followed.
and (4) An email is sent to no later than February 1, 2007 providing the: election results.
We have attached five documents.
(0) Changes to the election calendar from the University Senate Bylaws revisions that took effect in August 2006. There are two changes from last year. One is the decoupling of the election process and election results. The rationale for this is to have a election process in place prior to implementing the election. The other change is asking for the election results one month earlier (February 1 rather than March 1). The primary reason for moving up this deadline is to allow more time for the Committee on Nominations to prepare a slate of nominees for University Senate committees.
(1) 2006-2007 University Senators indicating Term of Service for each elected Senator whether his/her term is ending or continuing.
(2) Relevant Board of Regents policy and University Senate Bylaws
(3) The Corps of Instruction List for Election Purposes indicates faculty eligible to vote. Recall that membership in the Corps of Instruction and the completion of two years of service at the time (s)he takes office are eligibility requirements to be elected as a University Senator.
(4) The apportionment report for the election of Senators for 2007-2009 terms. This report is based on the corps of instruction list and uses the Huntington-Hill method of apportionment (the method used by the U.S. Congress) to apportion 34 elected positions on the Senate to the schools and library.
Apportionment Report Pdf Format
Apportionment Report Excel Format