From: "Cheryl Kish" <>
To: <>
Subject: election procedures SOHS
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 22:27:36 -0500
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As requested by Craig Turner, here is the procedure for the election of new senate representatives by SOHS on February 24, 2006. Elected were: Kendra Russell (for an additional term) and Mike Martino.
Elections for representatives for University Senate to replace Dr. Hirsch and Mrs. Russell were held at the School of Health Science (SHS) meeting on February 24, 2006. Dr. Hirsch conducted the elections with assistance from current SHS faculty senators. She reviewed eligibility policy and proposed an election procedure that was unanimously adopted by the SHS faculty. Dean Kish distributed a ballot listing the SHS Corps of Instruction. Individuals on the list who are continuing Senators or ineligible to stand for election were noted and their names were deleted prior to the vote. Candidates were called for from the floor. Nominations were allowed with the permission of the individual being nominated. Four candidates were on the ballot. The election was held by secret ballot. The votes were tabulated by current SHS faculty senators (Hirsch & Block) and the results reported to the Dean of the School of Health Sciences. The Dean reported election results to the SHS at the meeting and to the University Senate via the Ecus web site later that afternoon.
I am going out of town to chair an accreditation visit; if there questions all of the current senators were present for the vote and part of the unanimous vote in favor of the procedure. They could answer any questions. Cheryl Kish