School of Education Voting Procedures to fill Senate positions for

Cheryl Reynolds and Charlie Martin


1.  The election process was conducted by the School of Education Dean's Advisory Committee, which is charged with overseeing elections in the SOE. Faculty member on this committee include Stacy Schwartz, Brenda Trice, Chris Geer, and Rosemary Jackson (Chair).


2.  The Official Call for Senators (below) went out by email on Wednesday, February 22, 2006 to all faculty members in the School of Education.



Official Call for SOE Senators


The University Senate terms for Charlie Martin and Cheryl Reynolds will officially end at the end of this semester, which means that we need to elect two new Senators. Please look around your departments and think about who you would like to represent you in this very important role. Let that person know why you think she or he is qualified for this position and ask permission to nominate him or her on Friday at our Faculty meeting. Faculty members may also nominate themselves.


In order to serve as a Senator, faculty members must have been employed at Georgia College & State University for at least two years at the time they take office. The term of service will begin with the call to order of the last University Senate meeting of the academic year. Newly elected University Senators will be expected to serve for a term of two years.


If you would like more information about what might be expected of you as a Senator, Charlie and Cheryl would be excellent sources of information, as would our three other Senators, Karynne Kleine, Bee Crews, and Bill Rowe. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to serve the School of Education. Open nominations and an election will be held at Friday's faculty meeting.


2.  Nominations were held at the SOE faculty meeting on February 24, 2006. JJ Hayden, Brian Mumma, and Tish Seay were nominated and agreed to run.


3.  A ballot (see below) was distributed to all qualified faculty members at 8:00 a.m. Monday morning, February 27. Faculty members were given two full days to cast their ballots


Senate Election Ballot



Please vote by putting a check by the names of two of the following nominees for Senate:


_____  J. J. Hayden


_____  Brian Mumma


_____  Tish Seay


Return your completed ballots to Bessie Story in Office Suite 101 no later than 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 28, 2006.


4.  Ms. Bessie Story, secretary in the Department of Special Education and Educational Leadership, monitored the voting process. Faculty members brought their ballots to Ms. Story's office and placed them in a large manila envelope and then signed their names to indicate they had voted.


5.  At 4:30, the votes were counted by Stacy Schwartz and Rosemary Jackson. Thirty-three out of 41 faculty members voted. Winners were J.J. Hayden and Tish Seay. The results were announced to the faculty over email at 5:15 p.m.