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Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2006 10:16:16 -0500
To: "GC&SU Faculty" <faculty@list.gcsu.edu>
From: Monica Wood <monica.wood@gcsu.edu>
Subject: From Faculty Alert:    Call for Nominations for At-Large
 University Senate Position
Sender: <faculty@list.gcsu.edu>
X-LR-SENT-TO: gcsu.edu


March 6, 2006

To: GC&SU Corps of Instruction

From: Mike Whitfield, Chair of Committee on Nominations, University Senate

Subject: Call for Nominations for At-Large University Senate Position

Dr. Mike Whitfield's term as at-large University Senator expires at the end of the 2005-2006 academic year. This is a call for nominations for his replacement. The person elected to this position will be serving a two-year term with the term expiring at the end of the 2007-2008 academic year. Dr. Autumn Grubb is the other at-large University Senator and has a 2005-2007 term, and will continue her term of service during the 2006-2007 academic year.

The relevant University Senate Bylaw is the last sentence of  Article II, Section 2.A.1 "The remaining two (2) University Senate faculty positions shall be elected at large by faculty members in the Corps of Instruction. Only Corps of Instruction faculty members counted in the numbers for apportionment of senators are eligible to vote for the thirty-six (36) University Senate faculty senators."

To begin this process, nominations will be accepted from members of the University Corps of Instruction. Nominations should be sent electronically to Monica Wood, Administrative Associate in the President's Office, monica.wood@gcsu.edu no later than Thursday, March 9, 2006.  (Simply replying to this e-mail message will send your nomination to Ms. Wood.)

To be elected, an individual must be a member of the Corps of Instruction and have at least two (2) years of service at GC&SU at the time they take office. A list of the Corps of Instruction is available at http://info.gcsu.edu/intranet/univ_senate/Elections_0607/Corps_of_Instruction_0506.xls.

Each nominee will be contacted and included on a ballot should (s)he accept the nomination. Each member of the Corps of Instruction will have the opportunity to vote by secret ballot for one candidate, that vote will be taken from Tuesday, March 21 through Thursday, March 23, 2006. If one candidate earns a majority of the votes cast in the first round, that person is declared the winner.  Otherwise, the slate for a second round of voting will be determined by rank ordering the candidates by the number of votes received and taking the top vote getters until the sum of the votes of top vote getters first exceeds 50% of the votes that were cast in the first round of voting.  The winner is then the candidate earning a plurality of the votes in the second round of voting.

In the event of a tie at any stage in the process, the results will be determined by the toss of a coin, or if more than 3 candidates are involved, through a blind draw.  In the event of a need to replace the at-large senator at any time during their term of service, the second highest vote getter will be contacted regarding their willingness to serve.  If necessary, the third highest vote getter would be contacted.  If no candidate is willing to serve, a replacement election will be conducted in accordance with University Senate bylaws

So that you may avoid nominating a faculty member already scheduled to serve on the University Senate, a list of the faculty that will be serving on the University Senate for the 2006-2007 academic year is available at: http://info.gcsu.edu/intranet/univ_senate/Elections_0607/AllElectionResults.htm.

Thank you for your time and consideration of this important task. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Whitfield (mike.whitfield@gcsu.edu).