Tentative Agenda for the 7 October, 2009
3:30-5 PM
President's Conference Room
Anticipated Attendance:
Present: Dean Baker, Provost Sandra Jordan, Karynne L M Kleine, President Dorothy Leland, Ken McGill, Craig Turner, Deborah Vess, Christine Zuger
Regrets: Tanya Goette
Guest: Alison Prock
New Business:
1. How proposals get on the ECUS agenda for steering (Deborah Vess)
2. Suggestion for on-line motion database (Deborah Vess)
3. Consider process for motions that "FAIL" (are not approved/endorsed) by University Senate (Craig Turner)
4. Update on on-line motion database (Karynne Kleine) https://atlanta.gcsu.edu/senate/dev/
a. anticipated completion date
b. committee report format
5. Decide whether Presidential actions on motions is Parking Lot item or not (Karynne Kleine)
Unfinished Business: (time permitting)
1. Selection process for University Senate officers--P. O. Elect, Secretary (item from parking lot) (Karynne Kleine)
Tentative Agenda for Next Meeting: ECUS with SCC 16 October, 2009
1. Agenda coordination
2. Finalize October agenda for University Senate meeting
3. Committee annual report template
4. Standardized review of policy (time permitting)
5. Presidential actions on motions (time permitting)