Welcoming Remarks Standing Committee Officer Orientation
given by Craig Turner on September 14, 2007


On behalf of the University Senate, I extend appreciation to you for accepting the responsibilities of an officer on a standing committee. While fun, exhilarating, and satisfying, this can be a fair amount of work.


Our hope for today’s meeting is that you walk away

(1)        knowing how to find information that you need and

(2)        knowing who to contact if you cannot find the information you need.


Standing Committee Business comes in three main categories:

(1)  POLICY  (2) INFORMATION  (3) CONCERN  and also curriculum matters (CAPC) and OTHER.


Vision for 2006-2007

      Transparent Communication

      Front End Alignment

            P Refine Agenda Coordination Process

            P Review Committee Structure

            P Review Scopes of Committee

            P Clarify/Formulate definitions of policy/procedure (procedure in development)

A policy is a statement of record that governs the conduct of the university community and/or embodies a general principle that guides university affairs.
DRAFT: A procedure is an accessible written articulation of the formal method required to implement a policy.
Axioms/Guidelines: An operational definition of procedure
·        indicates procedure is expressed in writing and not oral tradition
·        is a means to an end; method, sequence of steps
·        has as its purpose the implementation of policy
·        is established and accessible
·        the mandatory/compulsory/obligatory/required nature of compliance

      ?  Process of approval for non-policy matters

                   University Senate should have autonomy on certain matters such as:

                                                Committee Assignments/Replacement



 Vision for 2007-2008

· Finding the Right Cargo

·                     Proactive Interaction with Constituency

·         Identification of Issues that Matter

· Education

·         Committee Scopes (What does each committee do?)

·         Committee Reports (What are the components of a committee report)

·         Guidance for Committees providing a Menu of Policy to Review

·         Parliamentary Procedure and Robert’s Rules


Senate Taglines for 2007-2008 (Developed at Retreat on May 10, 2007):

·         E=MC2:  Enhancing the Mission; Catalyst for Communication

·         Making Connections, Moving Forward Together