ECUS Elected Faculty Workshop
Tentative Agenda
March 13, 2008
Blackbird Cafe
0. Electronic Suggestion Box Archive (Craig)
1. Update on Preparation for SubCommittee on Nominations Work (Doug)
SCHEDULE MEETING OF SCoN -- Perhaps Th, April 3, 2008 during our meeting time.
Specifically Progress on the Committee Preference Survey for Elected Faculty Senators
2. Finalize tentative agenda for next meeting (March 20 joint meeting with Standing Committee Chairs) (Craig)
3. Comprehensive Annual Report Template
Kendra (Executive Summary)
Chris (Committee Reflections)
Bill (Committee Recommendations)
Craig (Committee Name, Academic Year, Charge, Membership and Attendance, Motions, Ad hoc Committees)
Doug (Other significant deliberations, Recommend items for consideration at retreat)
4. ECUS Parking Lot or Other Business (Craig)
April 30, 2008 Organizational Meetings of Committees
Intentional Backup (Archive) Precious University Senate Documents (Bylaws, Governing Concepts, etc)
University holiday selection process (ECUS 03-06-07, from 02-26-07 University Senate Meeting)
Checklist for Organizational Meetings of Committees
Checklist for Subcommittee on Nominations work (committee preference/interest surveys, slate of nominee preparation)
5. Adjourn